啸 Stroke Order
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Information of 啸
11 strokes
to hiss / to whistle
啸嘨 xiào〈动〉【本义】: 撮口作声,打口哨 Original Meaning: To make a sound by pursing one’s lips; to whistle.1. 撮口作声,打口哨:~歌(吟咏)。~傲。~聚(互相招呼,聚集成集,如“~~山林”)。呼~。仰天长~。 To whistle: e.g., whistling a song (chanting). To whistle proudly. To call out (gather together, e.g., "whistling in the mountains"). To call. To let out a long whistle to the sky.2. 动物拉长声叫:虎~。猿~。 To make a long call like an animal: e.g., tiger howling. Monkey howling.3. 自然界发出的声音:北风呼~。海~。 Sounds made by nature: e.g., the northern wind howling. The sea howling.4. 飞机或子弹掠过时发出的声音:飞机尖~着冲上蓝天。炮弹呼~而过。 The sound made when an airplane or bullet passes by: e.g., the plane sliced through the sky with a sharp whistle. The cannonball whistled past.【造字法】: 形声。从口,肃声。 Character formation: Phono-semantic compound. The component "口" (mouth) indicates sound. 【引】 References: 1. 《说文》:啸,吹声也。 "Xuì, ( it means) blowing sound." 2. 《诗·召南·江有汜》:其嘨也歌。 "Its howl is like a song."3. 《礼记·内则》:不嘨不指。 "Do not howl or point." 4. 《封氏闻见记》:激于舌端而清谓之啸。 "When excited at the tip of the tongue, it is called 'whistling.'"5. 晋· 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》:登东皋以舒啸。 "Climbing the eastern heights to let out a long howl."6. 明· 归有光《项脊轩志》:俯仰啸歌。 "Looking up and down while howling a song."7. 明· 魏学洢《核舟记》:若啸呼状。 "Like the state of howling or calling."8. 明· 刘基《诚意伯刘文成公文集》:倚修木而啸。 "Leaning on a fine tree to howl."【例】 Examples: 又如: 啸傲林泉 (to reside in the quiet of the mountains and waters); 啸吟 (long howling lament); 啸指 (making sound by blowing through pursed lips).2. 呼召,号召 ([En.] call) To summon or call. 【引】 References: 1. 《匡缪正俗》:嘨者,谓若有所召命,若齐庄抚楹而歌耳。 "To howl means to summon; to sing while leaning on the pillars." 2. 《楚辞》:招具该备,永啸呼些。 "Summon everyone's readiness through persistent howling."【例】 Examples: 又如: 啸引; 啸召 (call; summon); 啸合 (summon together); 啸侣 (calling companions; summoning fellow beings); 啸侣命俦 (summoning companions); 啸命 (commanding loudly).3. 鸟兽等的长声鸣叫 ([En.] howl; roar) Long sounds made by birds or beasts.【引】 References: 1. 宋· 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》:虎啸猿啼。 "The tiger howls and the monkey cries." 2. 清· 梁启超《饮冰室合集·文集》:乳虎啸谷。 "The cub tiger howls in the valley."【例】 Examples: 又如: 鸟啸; 啸萃 (howling and gathering); 啸吼 (long roar); 啸风 (calling the wind); 风嘶雨啸 (the wind howls and the rain whistles).
to whistle / to scream / to whiz
Xiao Tong
squealing / howling
Long howl
Tiger roar
Xiao Ju
form a band and take to the greenwood / call each other to form a gang in the forest / go to the greenwood / take refuge in the forests / take to the forest
Input Method for 啸
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters