疏 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 疏
Stroke Order Diagrams for 疏
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 疏
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 疏
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "疏" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "疏" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 疏
12 strokes
negligent / sparse / thin
疏 shū 1. 去掉阻塞使通畅: to remove obstructions to make smooth. 2. 分散: to scatter. 3. 事物间距离大,空隙大,与“密”相对: large distances between things, big gaps, opposite of "dense." 4. 不亲密,关系远的: not intimate, distant relationship. 5. 不细密,忽略: not detailed, to overlook. 6. 空虚: empty. 7. 不熟悉: unfamiliar. 8. 粗劣: coarse. 9. 古同“蔬”,蔬菜: anciently same as "蔬," vegetables. 10. 分条说明的文字: text that is explained in separate points. 11. 僧道拜忏时所焚化的祝告文: prayers burned by monks during repentance. 12. 姓: surname.疏 shū1. 去掉阻塞使通畅: dredge. 2. 分散: scatter. 3. 事物间距离大,空隙大,与“密”相对: sparse, loose, open, broad. 4. 不亲密,关系远的: distant, far apart. 5. 不细密,忽略: neglectful. 6. 空虚: ambition is high but talent is lacking. 7. 不熟悉: unfamiliar. 8. 粗劣: coarse food. 9. 古同“蔬”,蔬菜: anciently same as "蔬," vegetables. 10. 分条说明的文字: memorial to the emperor. 11. 僧道拜忏时所焚化的祝告文: words recited by monks during prayers. 12. 姓: surname. 疏 shū1. 疏导,开通: the primary meaning is to channel or clear. 2. 同本义: to dredge. 3. 分开; 分散: to separate; to scatter. 4. 分赐,分给: to distribute; to reward. 5. 清除;排除: to clear away; to exclude. 6. 雕刻,画饰: to engrave or carve. 7. 分条记录或分条陈述: to record or state in points. 8. 疏忽;粗疏: negligence; slackness. 9. 注释,解释: to annotate; to explain. 10. 疏远,不亲近: to become distant or estranged. 疏 shū1. 稀疏;稀少: sparse; few. 2. 粗略;不周密: coarse; rough; not meticulous. 3. 粗糙: rough; also refers to unpolished rice. 4. 久;长远: long-lasting; far away. 5. 迂阔;不切实际: broad; unrealistic. 疏 shū1. 远亲。泛指关系疏远的人: distant relative; generally refers to a person with a weak relationship. 2. 奏章。亦指上奏章: memorial to the emperor; also refers to a petition submitted to the emperor. 3. 书信: letter. 4. 僧道拜忏时所焚化的祈祷文: prayer texts burned by monks during repentance. 5. 旧时募化用的簿册: records used for donations in ancient times.(*引自繁体辞典解释) 1. 闡明經義或古注的文字: to explain classical texts or annotations. 2. 古代臣下進呈君王的奏章: ancient memorials submitted to the emperor. 3. 书信: letters. 4. 分條陳述、記錄: to state or record in points.
memorial to the throne
Shule ancient name for modern Kashgar / Shule county in Kashgar prefecture 喀什地區|喀什地区[Ka1 shi2 di4 qu1], west Xinjiang
to neglect / to overlook / negligence / carelessness
oversight / negligence / careless / negligent / not concentrating on the main point
indolent / careless
to scatter / to disperse / to evacuate / scattered / to relax
to loosen
to dredge
to slip / to overlook by negligence / careless omission / oversight
to unblock / to dredge / to clear the way / to get things flowing / to facilitate / to mediate / to lobby / to explicate (a text)
sparse / infrequent / thinly spread
unfamiliar / strange / out of practice / not accustomed
to drift apart / to become estranged / to alienate / estrangement
to dredge / to open up a path for / to remove obstructions / to clear the way / to enlighten / persuasion
close and distant (relatives)
coarse / rough / careless
density / spacing
to fail to pay sufficient attention to / to be negligent in regard to / to be lacking in
commentary and subcommentary (of a book)
to make a (careless) mistake / oversight
soothing the liver
to help the needy for justice (idiom); to be loyal to one's friends and generous to the needy
Input Method for 疏
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters