祊 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 祊
Stroke Order Diagrams for 祊
Information of 祊
Pinyinbēng、 fāng
8 strokes
祊 (bēng) 〈名〉 1. 古代在宗庙门内举行的祭祀。 Ancient sacrificial rites held inside the gates of the ancestral temple.2. 古代在宗庙门内设祭的地方。 A place for sacrificial offerings inside the gates of the ancestral temple.3. 中国春秋邑名,今山东省费县东南。 Name of a town in the Spring and Autumn period, located southeast of Feixian County in Shandong Province.4. 古代称宗庙之门。亦指庙门内设祭之处。 In ancient times, it referred to the gates of the ancestral temple and specifically indicated places for sacrificial offerings within the temple gates.5. 指正祭毕后于次日举行的绎祭。 Refers to the next memorial ceremony held the day after the main sacrificial rite.6. 古邑名。春秋郑国祭祀泰山时的汤沐之邑。在山东省费县东南。 A historic town name during the Spring and Autumn period; it was where the State of Zheng performed purification rites at Mount Tai, located southeast of Feixian County in Shandong Province.7. 河名,位于山东省。 The name of a river located in Shandong Province.8. 通“方”,指四方之祭。 Can be synonymous with "方," referring to sacrificial offerings in all directions.
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