潬 stroke order

潬 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 潬 Stroke Order Diagrams for 潬 Information of 潬 Pinyintn、 shnRadical氵Strokes15 strokesUsage★★Definition 潬: 1. Anciently the same as "滩", a sandbank in the water. 1.古同“滩”,水中沙堆。2. 〔涴(wn)~〕al...

潬 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 潬

潬 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 潬

潬 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 潬

Pinyintān、 shàn



15 strokes




潬: 1. Anciently the same as "滩", a sandbank in the water. 1.古同“滩”,水中沙堆。2. 〔涴(wǎn)~〕also written as “蜿蜒”, referring to the (water flow) that is gracefully winding and meandering. 2.〔涴(wǎn)~〕又作“蜿蜒”,(水流)宛延曲折。3. (as a noun) Sandbank. "Er Ya - Explanation of Water": "潬, sand emerges." In the commentary by Guo Pu of the Jin dynasty: "Nowadays, the sandbanks in the water are called 潬 in Jiangdong." In "Book of the Northern Qi - Volume 42, Biography of Yang Fei": "Also moved the ferry to Baima, where stones rise in the middle of the river, and both sides constructed fortresses, which took many years to complete." 3.〈名〉沙滩。《尔雅·释水》:「潬,沙出。」晋·郭璞·注:「今江东呼水中沙堆为潬。」《北齐书·卷四二·阳斐传》:「又移津于白马,中河起石潬,两岸造关城,累年乃就。」4. (as an adjective) 潬潬: a description of twisting and interacting appearance. From Liu Xie's "Wenxin Diaolong - Fengshan": "The illustration says: '潬潬, scattered and tangled, all things are transformed.' This indicates the state of supreme virtue." 4.〈形〉潬潬:辗转互动的样子。南朝梁·刘勰《文心雕龙·封禅》:「图曰:『潬潬,棼棼雉雉,万物尽化。』言至德所被也。」

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Same Radical Characters


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  • 潬 stroke order

    潬 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 潬 Stroke Order Diagrams for 潬 Information of 潬 Pinyintn、 shnRadical氵Strokes15 strokesUsage★★Definition 潬: 1. Anciently the same as "滩", a sandbank in the water. 1.古同“滩”,水中沙堆。2. 〔涴(wn)~〕al

    2024-11-24 04:10:01
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