賈 Stroke Order
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Information of 賈
Pinyingǔ、 jiǎ
13 strokes
merchant / to buy, (surname)
賈 1. A person who does business; a merchant. In ancient times, specifically referred to a sedentary merchant who sells goods in a store. A person who engages in trade; an ancient merchant, specifically referring to a store merchant: walking merchant seated? (行商坐~).2. To sell: 有勇可~ (metaphorically implies there is still surplus strength that can be deployed).賈 gǔ【本义】: Do business 【造字法】: Phonetic-meaning compound.1. Same as original meaning ([En.] do business) 2. To sell. Broadly refers to selling ([En.] sell) 3. To buy ([En.] buy) 4. To strive for; seek to obtain ([En.] strive for) 5. To attract, provoke ([En.] court) 賈 gǔ 名 1. Merchant. In ancient times specifically referred to a sedentary merchant who hoarded for profit; walking merchants were referred to as “商”, seated merchants as “賈”. Later broadly referred to merchants ([En.] merchant) 2. An official's title ([En.] an official's name). 3. See also jiǎ 賈 gǔ 動 1. Same as original meaning ([En.] do business) 引: 1. 《說文》: 賈,市也。 2. 《樂府詩集·孤兒行》: 父母已去,兄嫂令我行賈。 3. 《韓非子·五蠹》: 鄙諺曰:“長袖善舞,多財善賈。”例: 如: 賈資 (funds for doing business); 賈道 (the way of doing business); 賈貿 (trade; transaction); 賈貸 (buying and selling) 2. To sell ([En.] sell) 引: 1. 《周書·命訓》: 極賞則民賈其上。 2. 《周禮·地官·司市》: 以商賈阜貨而行市。 Notes: "A store selling goods is called 賈." 3. 《左傳·成公二年》: 齊高固入晉師,札石以投人,禽之,而乘其車,擊桑本焉,以徇齊壘。曰:“欲勇者,賈余余勇。”例: 如: 賈欺 (selling lies); 賈用 (selling goods); 賈勇 (selling bravery) 3. To buy ([En.] buy) 引: 1. 《左傳·成公二年》: 賈餘餘勇。 2. 《左傳·昭公二十九年》: 平子每歲賈馬。例: 如: 賈馬 (buying horses); 賈田 (buying land); 賈官 (buying an official position) 4. To strive for; seek ([En.] strive for) 引: 1. 《國語·晉語》: 謀於衆不以賈好。例: 如: 賈譽 (buying reputation); 賈誠 (seeking genuine loyalty); 賈國 (seeking national power); 賈利 (seeking profit); 賈息 (commercial profit) 5. To attract, provoke ([En.] court) 引: 1. 《左傳·桓公十年》: 吾焉用此以賈害也。 2. 《晉書·張華傳·鷦鷯賦》: 不懷寶以賈害,不飾表以招累。例: 如: 賈害 (inviting disaster); 賈憎 (provoking hatred); 賈怠 (inviting laziness from the people) 賈 名 1. A person's surname. 2. An ancient state in China ([En.] Jia state). Clan name: Ji. The son of Tang Shuyu, Gongming, was granted this. Later destroyed by Jin. Located in modern-day Xiangfen County, Shanxi Province. 3. The name of a bird, belonging to the eagle family ([En.] buzzard) 4. See also gǔ 賈 jiǎ 名 【本义】: Engaging in trade 【造字法】: Phonetic-meaning compound. Starts with a shell indicating wealth, sound from (xià) (gǔ) 1. An ancient state in China ([En.] Jia state). 2. A type of bird, buzzard ([En.] buzzard) 3. Surname 4. See also gǔ 賈 jià 名 1. Alternate form of “價”; price, value ([En.] price) 2. See also gǔ; jiǎ 賈 jià 名 1. Alternate form of “價"; price, value ([En.] price) 引: 1. 《論語·子罕》: 我待賈者也。 2. 求善賈而沽諸? 3. 《孟子·滕文公上》: 從許子之道,則市賈不貳。 4. 晁錯《論貴粟疏》: 有者,半賈而賣。 5. 《論衡·刺孟》: 求食者皆多人所共得利之事,以作此鬻賣於市,得價以歸,乃得食焉。 6. 《漢書·宣帝紀》: 而賈鹹貴。 7. 《漢書·楊樸傳》: 問君賈幾何? 2. See also gǔ; jiǎ
Input Method for 賈
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters