倾 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 倾
Stroke Order Diagrams for 倾
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 倾
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "倾" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "倾" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Information of 倾
10 strokes
to overturn / to collapse / to lean / to tend / to incline / to pour out
倾qīng【Verb】1. To lean; to incline; to tilt: 如倾斜, 倾侧, 倾塌, 倾跌. (Inclined; tilted: such as tilting, leaning, collapsing, falling.)2. To tend towards; to be inclined: 如倾向, 倾心, 倾慕, 倾注, 左倾, 右倾. (To lean towards: such as inclination, fondness, admiration, attention, left-leaning, right-leaning.)3. To collapse; to fall down: 如倾颓, 倾覆, 倾轧 (mutual exclusion within the same organization). (To fall or collapse: such as to tumble down, overturn, crowd out.)4. To pour out by tipping or tilting an object; extended meaning refers to taking out everything without reservation: 如倾箱倒箧 (also called 倾筐倒庋), 倾盆大雨, 倾城, 倾洒, 倾销. (To empty out: such as emptying a box, pouring out rain, overwhelming beauty, spilling, selling out.)5. To exhaust (one's strength): 如倾听, 倾诉, 倾吐. (To use up: such as listening intently, pouring out one’s thoughts, spilling out.)6. To experience discord: 如倾轧. (To have disagreements: such as rivalry.)7. To deplete; to use up: 如倾尽, 倾心, 倾家, 倾献. (To exhaust one's resources: such as depleting one’s wealth, dedicating all one can, giving everything.)8. To surpass; to exceed: 如倾诸将相. (To exceed: surpassing).9. To decay: 如倾败. (To decay: such as decline in vitality.)【Noun】 An inclination; a deviation from a specific political agenda, belief system, ideology, or a party's line (deviation; tendency): 如右倾, 左倾. (Refers to a deviation from specific political ideologies: such as right-leaning; left-leaning.)
great mansion on the verge of collapse (idiom); hopeless situation
turn out in full strength / turn out in full force
to say everything (that is on one's mind)
conflict / internal strife / dissension
to throw into
dip / angle of dip (inclination of a geological plane down from horizontal) / tilt (inclination of ship from vertical)
to pour out (emotions) / to unburden oneself (of strong feelings) / to vomit comprehensively
to dump (goods, products)
to pour down in torrents
to lose a family fortune (idiom)
tendency / inclination / orientation
to adore / to admire greatly
to empty one's pocket / to give everything to help sb
lit. the whole nest came out (to fight us) / a turnout in full force (of a gang of villains)
to incline / to lean / to slant / to slope / to tilt
to admire wholeheartedly / to fall in love with
right-wing / reactionary / conservative / (PRC) rightist deviation
to listen attentively
to capsize / to collapse / to overturn / to overthrow / to undermine
to topple over / to greatly admire
trend / tendency / orientation
to collapse / to topple / to capsize
Input Method for 倾
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters