紩 stroke order

紩 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 紩 Stroke Order Diagrams for 紩 Information of 紩 PinyinzhRadical糹Strokes11 strokesUsage★★Definition 紩 Pronunciation: [zh] 1. Sew, to connect with needle and thread. (English: sew) 2. The place where it is sew...

紩 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 紩

紩 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 紩

紩 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 紩




11 strokes




紩 Pronunciation: [zhì] 1. Sew, to connect with needle and thread. (English: sew) 2. The place where it is sewn together. Example from Ming Dynasty Feng Yizhi: "The needleworker embroiders, not seeing where it is sewn." 3. Used similarly to "帙," referring to a set of books. Example from Ming Dynasty Tang Xianzu: "I, sir, have precious books bound with gold." 4. String or cord. (English: cord) 5. Volume or chapter (as in a book). (English: volume) 1. Sew, to connect with needle and thread. (Reference: "Shuo Wen Jie Zi") (English: sew) 引: 1. In dialect: "To patch cloth without edges, when worn out and sewn together, is called ragged." 例: E.g., 紩衣 (patched clothes).

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Same Radical Characters


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  • 紩 stroke order

    紩 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 紩 Stroke Order Diagrams for 紩 Information of 紩 PinyinzhRadical糹Strokes11 strokesUsage★★Definition 紩 Pronunciation: [zh] 1. Sew, to connect with needle and thread. (English: sew) 2. The place where it is sew

    2024-11-26 20:25:01
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