碁 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 碁
Stroke Order Diagrams for 碁
Information of 碁
13 strokes
碁 (gī)1. Same as 棋 (chess/game). - "In the *Collection of Rhymes*, it states: '棋, sometimes written as 碁, is interchangeably made with 棋.'" 2. (Noun) A phono-semantic compound. From the component '木' (wood), its sound is derived. The original meaning is: In ancient times, pieces known for gambling (games of chance) are referred to as 棋. Same as its original meaning, 棊, which also means to gamble. - "In the *Explaining Script*, it's stated: There are five pieces called 棊." - *Dialectical Evidence* - "Referring to the game of Six-Board." - *Huainanzi, Taizu* - "There is a mountain where a stone is located, named the Chess of the Imperial Terrace." - *Classic of Mountains and Seas, Zhongsan Jing* - "Indicating the game of chess."- "Yao created the围棋 to teach his son Dan Zhu; or it is said that Shun created围棋 to educate his son Shang equally as foolish, hence created围棋 to teach him." - *Natural History* - "Mountains produce chess pieces." - *Records of the Grand Historian, On Currency and Wealth* - Other examples include: 棋枰 (chessboard); 棋子 (a type of food); 象棋 (Chinese chess); 国际象棋 (international chess); 围棋 (Go); 跳棋 (Checkers).3. (Verb) To play chess. - Examples: 棋功 (skill in playing chess); 棋仙 (a person with superior chess skills who enjoys playing chess); 棋名 (reputation for excellent chess skills).
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters