資 stroke order

資 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 資 Stroke Order Diagrams for 資 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 資 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "資", learn the correct stroke order (笔...

資 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 資

資 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 資

資 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 資

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 資

Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials

Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "資", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "資", and master the standard way of writing the character "資".

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 資

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "資" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 資 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "資" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 資 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Information of 資




13 strokes




resources / capital / to provide / to supply / to support / money / expense

資 zī [名] 【本义】: 錢財 (money) 1. 財物,錢財:資源 (resource),物資 (material),資財 (wealth),資金 (fund),資費 (cost),資料 (data),工資 (salary),川資 (travel expenses). 2. 經營工商業的本錢和財產:資本 (capital),外資 (foreign capital),獨資 (sole proprietorship),合資 (joint venture),資方 (investor). 3. 供給,幫助:資助 (subsidy),資送 (supply),資敵 (replenishment),可資借鑑 (can be referenced). 4. 智慧能力:資質 (talent),天資 (natural endowment). 5. 出身和經歷:資格 (qualification),資歷 (experience). 6. 姓 (surname). 【引】 1. 《說文》:資,貨也。 2. 《廣雅》:資,川也。 3. 《易·旅》:懷其資。 4. 《詩·大雅·板》:喪亂蔑資。 5. 《戰國策·秦策一》:資用乏絕,去秦而歸。 6. 《戰國策·燕策》:既至秦,持千金之資幣物,厚遺秦王寵臣中庶子蒙嘉。 7. 明·李漁《閒情偶寄·種植部》:應得之資。 8. 《廣東軍務記》:富者捐資。 9. 清·方苞《獄中雜記》:中家以上,皆竭資取得。 10. 清·周容《芋老人傳》:厚資而遣之。 【例】又如: 投資 (investing), 內資 (domestic capital), 外資 (foreign capital), 集資 (crowdfunding), 薪資 (salary), 茶資 (tea expenses), 資業 (assets), 藉資 (using resources). 2. 費用 (expenses) 1. 《儀禮·聘禮》:問幾月之資。 2. 《禮記·少儀》:致馬資於有司。 3. 《三國志·諸葛亮傳》:軍資所出,國以富饒。 【例】又如: 資斧不裕 (travel expenses are tight), 資裝 (travel expenses and belongings), 川資 (travel expenses), 郵資 (postal fee), 資值 (value of goods), 開資 (opening expenses). 3. 資歷;資格 (qualifications) 1. 《世說新語·言語》:昔先君仲尼與君先人伯陽有師資之尊。 2. 《晉書·郄愔傳》:愔自以資望少。 3. 《大波》:資輕望淺,輿論不孚。 【例】又如: 資履 (qualification), 資任 (qualifications), 資名 (reputation), 資級 (rank and qualifications), 資秩 (qualifications and quality), 資籍 (qualifications record). 4. 天賦;天資 (endowment) 1. 《漢書·陳平傳》:然大王資侮人。 2. 魏源《默觚下·治篇》:絕世之資,必不如專門之夙習也。 【例】又如: 資質愚鈍 (not intelligent), 資質甚魯 (very dull), 資略 (talent and insight), 資補 (natural quality), 資望 (appearance). 5. 條件 (condition) 1. 《戰國策·秦策一》:三資者備。6. 資料;材料 (material) 1. 梁啓超《歐戰蠡測》:每相見必以歐戰爲一談資。 7. 糧食 (grain) 1. 《左傳·僖公三十三年》:唯是脯資。 2. 《國語·晉語四》:資窮困。 注:「資廩也。」 3. 《後漢書》:南軍谷少,而資儲不如北。 【例】又如: 資饟 (food supplies), 資糧 (rations). 8. 水名 (Zi River) Originating in Wugang County, Hunan Province, it flows north into Dongting Lake. 9. 憑藉 (dependence) 1. 《資治通鑑》:若據而有之,此帝王之資也。 2. 《世說新語·文學》:夫無者,誠萬物之所資。 3. 清·劉開《問說》:以資切磋。 10. 能力;作用 (ability; effect) 1. 鄒陽《獄中上樑王書》:何況因萬乘之權,假聖王資乎。 11. 姓 (surname). 資 zī [動] 1. 資助;供給 (provide) 1. 《韓非子·說疑》:資之以幣帛。 2. 《史記·項羽本紀》:固大王資餘兵。 【例】又如: 資饋 (donation), 資祿 (provide salary), 資給 (financial supply), 資給館穀 (provide accommodation and food for guests). 2. 給予 (give) 1. 《戰國策》:王資臣萬金而遊。 2. 《史記·魏公子列傳》:如姬資之三年。 【例】又如: 資給館穀 (provide accommodation and food for guests). 3. 救助;幫助 (aid) 1. 《莊子》:堯何以助汝? 2. 《三國志·諸葛亮傳》:此殆天所以資將軍,將軍豈有意乎? 【例】又如: 資全 (relief), 資政 (help govern), 資輔 (aid). 4. 蓄積 (store up) 1. 《國語·越語上》:夏則資皮,冬則資絺,旱則資舟,水則資車,以待令也。 【例】又如: 資聚 (accumulate), 資儲 (save, reserve). 5. 取,取用 (take) 1. 王安石《與馬運判書》:富其國者資之天下,欲富天下則資之天地。 【例】又如: 資取 (obtain), 資福 (seek fortune), 資縱 (take without moderation). 資 zī [形] 1. 鋒利 (sharp) 1. 《易·旅》:旅於處,得其資斧。 【例】又如: 資辯 (articulate, good at debating).

Input Method for 資








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  • 資 stroke order

    資 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 資 Stroke Order Diagrams for 資 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 資 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "資", learn the correct stroke order (笔

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