焄 stroke order

焄 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 焄 Stroke Order Diagrams for 焄 Information of 焄 Pinyinxn、 hnRadical灬Strokes11 strokesUsage★★Definition 焄1. Fragrant or foul smell. 香、臭气味。 Example: "The bitter wormwood is indeed the essence of all thi...

焄 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 焄

焄 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 焄

焄 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 焄

Pinyinxūn、 hūn



11 strokes




焄1. Fragrant or foul smell. 香、臭气味。 Example: "The bitter wormwood is indeed the essence of all things." (Translation of "~蒿凄怆,此百物之精也。")2. An ancient term synonymous with “熏,” meaning to smoke or roast. 古同“熏”,熏炙。Verb: To emit smoke or fire upwards; synonymous with "熏".动词 烟火向上冒。通「熏」。Example: "This heart indeed shares the fragrance, the great sage must have already heard." (Translation of "此心实与香俱焄,闻思大士应已闻。")Noun: A fragrance or a foul smell.名词 香、臭的气味。Example: "The bitter wormwood is indeed the essence of all things." (Translation of "焄蒿凄怆,此百物之精也。")Analysis: "焄 refers to fragrant or foul smells, denoting the essence of all things, whether fragrant or foul." (From the commentary by Kong Yingda)3. An ancient term related to "荤," referring to vegetables with strong odors such as garlic and onions.古通“荤”,葱蒜等有特殊气味的蔬菜。

Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters


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  • 焄 stroke order

    焄 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 焄 Stroke Order Diagrams for 焄 Information of 焄 Pinyinxn、 hnRadical灬Strokes11 strokesUsage★★Definition 焄1. Fragrant or foul smell. 香、臭气味。 Example: "The bitter wormwood is indeed the essence of all thi

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