谈 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 谈
Stroke Order Diagrams for 谈
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 谈
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 谈
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "谈" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "谈" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 谈
10 strokes
to speak / to talk / to converse / to chat / to discuss / (surname)
谈 tán (verb) 【Primary Meaning】: To talk, to discuss 1. To talk, to converse: - 说天 (talking about the day) - 说心 (talking from the heart) - 说论 (discussing the theory) - 说话 (having a conversation) - 说判 (commenting) - 说吐 (expressing) - 恳谈 (heartfelt talk) - 洽谈 (negotiating) - 漫谈 (casual chat) - 说笑风生 (talking and laughing freely) 2. Statement, what has been heard: - 笑谈 (joking talk) - 无稽之谈 (nonsense talk) - 传为美谈 (widely spread beautiful story) 3. Surname. 【Synonyms】: 1. Same as the primary meaning (En: talk) 2. Get along (En: get along) 3. Praise (En: praise) 【Citations】: 1. 《说文》: 谈,语也。 字亦作谭。 2. 《诗·小雅·节南山》: 不敢戏谈。 3. 《庄子·天运》: 三日不谈。 4. 《汉书·公孙宏传》: 宏为人谈笑多闻。 5. 《战国策·齐策》: 坐谈问之。 6. 南朝梁·丘迟《与陈伯之书》: 不假仆一二谈也。 7. 明·张溥《五人墓碑记》: 谈笑而死。 8. 清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》: 女子毋多谈。 【Examples】: - 又如: 谈笑自若 (to laugh and talk as if nothing is wrong) - 谈聚 (gathering for conversation) - 谈会 (meeting for discussion) - 洽谈 (business negotiation) - 座谈 (discussion without strict formality) - 谈天 (talking about astronomy) 2. Get along (En: get along) - 如: 他俩谈得来 (the two of them get along well) 3. Praise (En: praise) - 引: 元·佚名《飞刀对箭》: 那个将军不喝采,那个把我不谈羡? - 例: 又如: 谈荐 (to praise and recommend) 谈 tán (noun) 所说的话,言论 (En: what is said or talked about) - 如: 奇谈 (strange remarks) - 言谈 (content and attitude of conversation) - 谈交 (friendship based on conversation) - 谈功 (skill of conversation)
style of conversation
to chat
to talk big / to sound off / bombastic / grandiloquent
talk familiarly on and on / talk volubly / talk effusively
conference / symposium / rap session
to have an informal discussion / CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]
to negotiate / negotiation / talks / conference / CL:個|个[ge4]
to court / to go steady / to be dating
the earnest talk
to talk nonsense (dialect)
to chat
easier said than done (idiom)
to speak face to face / meeting / interview
conference table
to sit side-by-side and have a heart-to-heart talk (idiom)
to discuss
meeting / fair
to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle
to speak frankly with assurance
to prate
talks / discussions / CL:次[ci4]
to chat / a long talk / verbose / to talk freely to one's heart's content
to discuss / to converse / chat / discussion
complete nonsense (idiom)
discussion / forum
to discuss / to talk about
to visit and discuss / to interview
talk / conversation / CL:次[ci4]
expand on / expand upon / talk out / go into details / elaborate / dilate / talk at length / speak in detail / have a detailed discussion
mention / speak of
Input Method for 谈
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters