论 Stroke Order
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Information of 论
Pinyinlùn、 lún
6 strokes
the Analects (of Confucius), by the / per / discuss / theory / to talk (about) / to discuss
论 lùnDefinitions:1. 分析判断事物的道理。 (Analyze and judge the principles of things.)2. 分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论。 (Articles, theories, and statements that analyze and clarify the principles of things.)3. 学说,有系统的主张。 (Doctrine, a systematic assertion.)4. 看待。 (To regard or look at.)5. 衡量,评定。 (To measure or evaluate.)6. 按照。 (According to.)7. 姓。 (A surname.)Common usages:1. 议论,分析和说明事理 ([En.] discuss; talk about) Phrases: 〜断,〜点,〜辩,〜据,〜者,议〜,讨〜,辩〜。2. 思; 思考 ([En.] think carefully; ponder over) Example: 论之思之,至于再三。3. 衡量; 评定 ([En.] judge; weigh; assess; evaluate) Example: 论其刑赏。4. 评论; 辩析 ([En.] review; argue) Example: 论思,论理,论口。5. 判罪; 判决 ([En.] punish; decide on sb.'s punishment) Example: 论囚,论输。6. 考虑; 顾及 ([En.] consider; give consideration to) Example: 论平。7. 较量 ([En.] have a contest) Example: 与一百斤大刀。8. 控告,举报 ([En.] charge; accuse) Example: 控告,举报。9. 凭借 ([En.] rely on; by means of) Example: 想相如凭舌剑压秦国。10. 说; 陈述 ([En.] mention; regard) Example: 无论魏晋,弃者无论。11. 按照,依照 ([En.] according to; by) Example: 论件,论资排辈。12. 研究 ([En.] research; study) Example: 论演,论道经邦。13. 通“抡”。选择 ([En.] select) Example: 权节其用。14. 通“纶”。治理 ([En.] manage) Example: 君子以经论。Additional meanings:1. 古同“伦”,条理。 (Ancient term meaning "reasoning" or "order".)2. 〔〜语〕中国古书名,内容主要是记载孔子及其门人的言行。 ([En.] The title of a Chinese ancient book, mainly records the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples.)3. 古同“抡”,挑选。 (Ancient term meaning "to select".)Specific references:1. 《论语》的简称 ([En.] Analects of Confucius). (Mainly recording the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples.)
to treat differently / another cup of tea
Public opinion is seething with indignation.
forum (for discussion)
(philosophy) rationalism
the philosophy of materialism, doctrine that physical matter is the whole of reality
social contract theory
threat theory
kill with lawful authority / kill anybody who puts up resistance / kill those who resist, with lawful authority / capture and summarily excecute
informed opinion / intelligent view
fatalism / fatalistic
to discuss two disparate things together (idiom); to mention on equal terms / to place on a par with / (often with negatives: impossible to mention X in the same breath as Y)
paradox (logic)
game theory
grounds (for an argument) / contention / thesis
control theory (math.) / cybernetics
to infer / to judge / inference / judgment / conclusion
no matter what or how / regardless of whether...
don't pass judgment on a person's life until the lid is on the coffin (idiom)
outline / introduction / survey / general discussion
probability (math.)
to lump different matters together (idiom)
pantheism, theological theory equating God with the Universe
whatever the case / in any event / no matter what / by all possible means
theory / CL:個|个[ge4] / to argue / to take notice of
to give a detailed exposition / to state in detail
On Contradiction
basic theory
to argue / to debate / to contend / argument / contention / controversy / debate / CL:次[ci4],場|场[chang3]
Input Method for 论
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters