鳳 stroke order

鳳 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 鳳 Stroke Order Diagrams for 鳳 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 鳳 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "鳳", learn the correct stroke order (笔...

鳳 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 鳳

鳳 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 鳳

鳳 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 鳳

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 鳳

Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials

Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "鳳", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "鳳", and master the standard way of writing the character "鳳".

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 鳳

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "鳳" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鳳 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "鳳" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 鳳 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Information of 鳳




14 strokes





鳳鳳 fèng【名】 【本义】: 鳳凰。中国古代传说中的百鸟之王。常用来象征祥瑞。雄的叫凤,雌的叫凰。 【Definition】: Phoenix; the mythical king of birds in ancient Chinese mythology, often symbolizing good fortune. The male is called "鳳" (fèng) and the female "凰" (huáng).1. 古代传说中的神鸟。雄的叫凤,雌的叫凰(亦作皇),通称为凤或凤凰,又名鶠。 Ancient legendary divine bird. The male is called "鳳," and the female is called "凰" (also written as "皇"); collectively known as "凤" or "凤凰," also named "鶠."2. 古时比喻有圣德的人。 In ancient times, used as a metaphor for a person with sanctity and virtue.3. 借喻帝王。 A metaphor for an emperor.4. 指婚姻关系中的男方。 Refers to the male partner in a marriage.5. 古州名。治今陕西省凤县。 An ancient state name, referring to the present-day Feng County in Shaanxi Province.6. 姓。 A surname.【造字法】: 形声。从鳥,凡声。 【Character Formation】: Phono-semantic compound, composed of "鸟" (bird) and the phonetic component.同本义 ([En.] phoenix, a mythic bird) 古时比喻有圣德的人 ([En.] saint) 借喻帝王 ([En.] emperor) 乐器,音律 ([En.] instrument; temperament) 指婚姻关系中的男方 ([En.] man) 姓 ([En.] surname)引 1. 《说文》:鳳,神鸟也。朋,古文鳳。 From "Shuowen Jiezi": "鳳" is a divine bird. "朋" is the ancient form of "鳳."2. 《书·益稷》:鳳皇来仪。 From "Shu Jing": "鳳皇" comes with grace.3. 《诗·大雅·卷阿》:鳳皇于飞。 传:「鳳皇,灵鸟仁瑞也。雄曰鳳,雌曰皇。」 From "Shijing": "鳳皇 flies." Commentary: "鳳皇 is a spiritual bird of benevolence and auspiciousness. The male is called 鳳, and the female is called 皇."4. 宋玉《对楚王问》:故鸟有鳳而魚有鯤。 From Song Yu: "In the past, there are 鸳 (鳳) and fish have 鯤."例 如: 鳳求凰; 鳳子 (绣有凤凰的轿子); 鳳舸 (雕有凤凰的大游船); 鳳毛 (凤凰的羽毛。多用于赞美人的文采俊秀,有先人遗风) For example: 鳳求凰 (the phoenix seeks the phoenix); 鳳子 (a sedan chair embroidered with phoenixes); 鳳舸 (a grand ship carved with phoenix); 鳳毛 (the feathers of a phoenix, often used to praise a person's talent and elegance, reminiscent of ancestors).

Input Method for 鳳








Four Corner




Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters



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  • 鳳 stroke order

    鳳 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 鳳 Stroke Order Diagrams for 鳳 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 鳳 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "鳳", learn the correct stroke order (笔

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