缘 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 缘
Stroke Order Diagrams for 缘
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 缘
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "缘" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "缘" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 缘
Pinyinyuán、 yuàn
12 strokes
along / predestined affinity / reason / edge
缘 yuán1. 因由,因为。 (Cause; reason.)2. 宿命论认为人与人之间命中注定的遇合机会,泛指人与人或人与事物之间发生联系的可能性。 (Fate theory believes that the encounters between people are predestined, referring to the possibilities of connections between people or between people and things.)3. 沿,顺着。 (Along; following.)4. 边。 (Edge.)缘 yuán1. 器物的边沿。 (Edge; brink; fringe.)2. 原故,理由。 (Cause; reason.)3. 因缘;缘分。 (Lucky chance; lot or luck by which people are brought together; predestined relationship.)缘 yuán因为;由于。(Because.)缘 yuán1. 向上爬,攀援。 (Climb up.)2. 牵连。 (Involve.)3. 沿着;顺着。 (Along.)缘 yuán1. 因凭借。 (Depend on.)2. 另见 yuàn。 (See also yuàn.)缘 yuàn1. 器物的边沿。 (Edge; brink; fringe.)引1. 茅盾《蚀·追求》:低下头去把嘴唇搁在杯缘。 (Mao Dun: Lower your head and rest your lips on the edge of the cup.)例又如:缘石(砌筑在车行道与人行道之间的长条形石块或混凝土块,用以保护人行道并使车行道的路边水流通畅)。(For example: curb stone (long strips of stone or concrete built between the roadway and the sidewalk to protect the sidewalk and facilitate drainage).)缘 yuán因缘;缘分。(Lucky chance; predestined relationship.)引《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》:渠会永无缘。(“The meeting will be forever destined to be lost.”)缘 yuán因为;由于。(Because.)引1. 《吕氏春秋·慎行论》:缘物之情。 (Lü's Spring and Autumn: "Because of the feelings of things.")例又如:缘何(因何,为何)。(For example: why (for what reason).)缘 yuán1. 向上爬,攀援。 (Climb up.)引1. 《孟子·梁惠王上》:以若所为,求若所欲,犹缘木而求鱼也。 (Mencius: "To do what you want is like climbing a tree to find fish.")例又如:缘竿(杂技的一种。即爬竿的特技)。(For example: pole climbing (a type of acrobatics, specifically the skills of climbing a pole).)缘 yuán因凭借。(Depend on.)引1. 《荀子·正名》:则缘耳而知声可也,缘月而知形可也。 (Xunzi: "One can rely on the ear to know the sound, and on the moon to know the shape.")缘 yuàn(形声。从糸,与衣物有关。本义:古时衣服的边饰。)(Phonetic-ideographic character. From 糸 (mì), related to clothing. Original meaning: the edge decoration of ancient clothing.)缘 yuàn1. 给衣履等物镶边或绲边。 (Edge with lace; rim with lace, border, etc.)例如:缘领(为衣领绲边)。(For example: edge of the collar (to lace the collar).)
to curry favor / to advance one's career by toadying
千里姻缘一线牵 qiān lǐ yīn yuán yī xiàn qiān
a fate match across a thousand miles is drawn by a thread
a marriage predestined by fate
climb / clamber / climb the social ladder through pull
reason / cause
reason / cause
edge / fringe / verge / brink / periphery / marginal / borderline
to have no contact with / to be cut off from / (electricity) to insulate
chance / opportunity / destiny
to have no opportunity / no way (of doing sth) / no chance / no connection / not placed (in a competition) / (in pop lyrics) no chance of love, no place to be together etc
lip / snoot / leading edge
South Rim
related / brought together by fate
relations with other people
no cause, no reason (idiom); completely uncalled for
fate or chance that brings people together / predestined affinity or relationship / (Budd.) destiny
geographic situation / geo-(politics etc)
blood relationship / genetic relationship / consanguinity
trailing edge (of airplane wing)
North Rim
chance / opportunity / predestined relationship / (Buddhist) principal and secondary causes / chain of cause and effect
why? / for what reason?
Input Method for 缘
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters