暑 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 暑
Stroke Order Diagrams for 暑
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 暑
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Information of 暑
12 strokes
heat / hot weather / summer heat
暑 [shǔ] (1) Heat. Example: 热天 (hot day), 暑热 (hot weather), 暑假 (summer vacation), 酷暑 (scorching heat). (2) One of the "Six Excesses" in Traditional Chinese Medicine. (1) Hot weather. (2) Summer. 本义: 炎热 (Original Meaning: Hot). 造字法: 形声。从日,者声 (Character Formation: Phono-semantic compound; '日' indicates sun, '者' provides sound). 引: 1. 《说文》: 暑, 热也。暑近湿如蒸,热近燥如烘 (From "Shuowen": "Shu", meaning heat; '暑' relates to humidity like steaming, '热' relates to dryness like baking). 2. 《易·系辞》: 一寒一暑 (From "Yi", means one cold, one hot). 3. 《诗·小雅·四月》: 六月徂暑 (From "Shijing": June brings heat). 4. 《礼记·月令》: 土润溽暑 (From "Liji": Moist soil during hot and humid days). 5. 《素问·天玄纪大论》: 寒暑燥湿风火 (From "Suwen": Cold, heat, dryness, moisture, wind, and fire). 6. 《韩非子·人间训》: 冬日则寒冻, 夏日则暑伤 (From "Hanfeizi": Cold in winter leads to freezing, heat in summer leads to damage). 7. 晁错《言守边备塞疏》: 乌兽稀毛,其性能暑 (Chao Cuo: Rare fur on black animals, prone to heat). 8. 唐·柳宗元《捕蛇者说》: 触风雨, 犯寒暑,呼嘘毒疠,往往而死者相藉也 (Tang: Encountering wind and rain, suffering from cold and heat, often leads to death). 9. 宋·苏轼《教战守》: 轻霜露而狎风雨,是故寒暑不能为之毒 (Song: Light frost and dew do not harm in the face of wind and rain; hence, cold and heat cannot be poisonous). Example: 暑溽 (humid hot weather in summer), 暑岁 (hot and dry year), 暑夏 (hot summer), 暑寒 (weather hot and cold), 暑湿 (hot and humid). 名 (Noun): (1) Hot weather. 引: 1. 《易·系辞下》: 寒往则暑来,暑往则寒来 (From "Yi": When cold departs, heat comes; when heat departs, cold comes). 2. 《韩非子·显学》: 寒暑不兼时而至 (From "Hanfeizi": Cold and heat do not appear simultaneously). (2) Summer. 引: 1. 《列子·汤问》: 寒暑易节,始一返焉 (From "Liezi": Cold and heat change with the seasons). 2. 明·刘基《卖柑者言》: 杭有卖果者,善藏柑,涉寒暑不溃 (Ming: In Hangzhou, there is a fruit seller who skillfully stores oranges, enduring the cold and heat without damage). Example: 暑月 (summer month), 暑雨 (rain in summer), 暑伏 (the hottest period in summer), 暑雨祁寒 (heavy rain in summer, severe cold in winter), 暑夜 (sultry summer night).
mountain resort / Qing imperial summer residence at Chengde, a world heritage site
to be away for the summer holidays / to spend a holiday at a summer resort / to prevent sunstroke
cold and summer-heat
intense heat / extremely hot weather
summer vacation time
sunstroke / heatstroke
winter and summer vacation
hot (summer) weather
sweltering summer heat / very hot weather / the dog days
to spend a summer holiday / (esp of Chinese medicine) to relieve summer heat
(summer) heat
Dashu or Great Heat, 12th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 23rd July-6th August
承德避暑山庄 chéng dé bì shǔ shān zhuāng
Emperor Kangxi's Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde
hot (summer) day
hot summer / sweltering summer days / dog days
Xiaoshu or Lesser Heat, 11th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-22nd July
relieving summer-heat
sweltering summer weather
Chushu or End of Heat, 14th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 23rd August-7th September
summer vacation / CL:個|个[ge4]
drive away summer heat
Input Method for 暑
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters