年 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 年
Stroke Order Diagrams for 年
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Information of 年
6 strokes
年 (nián)1. 地球绕太阳一周的时间。 - The period of time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun.2. 每年的。 - Annual; occurring every year.3. 一年的开始。 - The beginning of a year.4. 有关年节的(用品)。 - Related to New Year celebrations (items).5. 时期,时代。 - Period or era.6. 收成。 - Harvest or yield.7. 岁数。 - Age or years of life.8. 人一生所经年岁的分期。 - Phases of life classified by age.9. 科举时代同年考中者的互称。 - Mutual reference for people who passed the imperial examination in the same year.10. 姓。- A surname.1. 地球绕太阳一周的时间:一~。三~五载。 - The period of time for Earth to complete an orbit around the Sun: one year; three to five years.2. 每年的:~会。~鉴。~利。~薪。 - Annual: annual meeting; annual review; annual profit; annual salary.3. 一年的开始:~节。新~。 - Beginning of the year: New Year festival; New Year.4. 有关年节的(用品):~画。~礼。~货。 - Items related to New Year celebrations: New Year paintings; New Year gifts; New Year goods.5. 时期,时代:近~。~华。~号(a.帝王用的纪年名称;b.公元纪年名称)。~限。~深日久。 - Periods or eras: recent years; contemporary era; imperial year names; long epochs.6. 收成:~成。~景。~谨。荒~。 - Harvest: good harvest; fruitful years; careful harvesting; lean years.7. 岁数:~纪。~事(岁数)。~高。~轮。 - Age: age record; age matters; age tallied; age cycle.8. 人一生所经年岁的分期:幼~。童~。青~。壮~。中~。老~。 - Stages of life: early childhood; childhood; youth; adulthood; middle age; old age.9. 科举时代同年考中者的互称:~兄。~谊(同年登科的关系)。 - Mutual reference among candidates who passed the imperial examination in the same year: year brothers; year friendship.10. 姓。- A surname.本义: 年成,五谷成熟。- Original meaning: Year of harvest, when grains are ripe.【造字法】: 形声。甲骨文字形,上面是“禾”,下面是“人”,禾谷成熟,人在负禾。小篆字形,从禾,千声。- Character formation method: Phono-semantic compound. The oracle bone script depicts "禾" (grain) above and "人" (person) below, indicating harvesting, while the small seal script has a similar structure.1. 同本义 (En. ripe) - Also refers to being ripe.2. 又指一年的收成 - Also denotes the harvest of the year.3. 时间单位。地球环绕太阳公转一次所需的约365又1/4太阳日的周期 (En. year) - A unit of time: the cycle required for the Earth to revolve around the Sun, approximately 365 and a quarter solar days.4. 年节 (En. days around lunar New Year; New Year) - Refers to New Year celebrations.5. 年纪,岁数 (En. age; year) - Refers to age or years.6. 寿命;一生的岁数 (En. lifetime) - Refers to a person's lifetime.7. 一生中按年龄划分的阶段 (En. a period in one’s life classified according to age). - Refers to stages in a person's life classified by age.8. 年代 (En. time). - Refers to eras or ages.9. 日期,指某一确定时间 (En. date). - Refers to a specific time or date.10. 岁月,泛指时间 (En. years; times).- General reference to time.11. 用以指有关年节用的 (En. for the Spring Festival)- Used to refer to items related to the New Year celebrations.12. 假借为“佞”。奸巧谄庾,花言巧语的人 (En. one who flatters)- A metaphorical use of the word for someone who flatters or uses deceitful words.13. 姓。- A surname. 科举时代同科考中者互称 (En. winners of the same imperial examination).- Mutual reference among candidates who have passed the imperial examination in the same subject.每年的 (En. annual).- Pertaining to each year.
senile dementia / Alzheimer's disease
anniversary / annual
the same year
last year
Ren Zi Year
quadrennium / four years
annual average (rate)
young and vigorous (idiom)
lit. robust years / prime of life / summer / able-bodied (fit for military service) / mature (talent, garden etc)
many years
over the years / bygone years
decade / ten years
thousands of years
half a year
second half of the year
first half (of a year)
all year round
Wuyin Year
persevere ten years in one's studies in spite of hardships / ten year's study at a cold window -- a student's long years of hard study
to make life longer / to promise longevity / (this product will) extend your life
early youth / youngster / (literary) youth / young man
years of age / age
Zhang Dainian
old in years
all year round / for years on end / average year
every year / each year / yearly
youth / youthful years / young person / the young
Input Method for 年
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters