含 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 含
Stroke Order Diagrams for 含
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 含
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Information of 含
7 strokes
to keep / to contain
含 [hán] 动 1. Keep in the mouth: 衔在嘴里,不吐出也不咽下。 - Example: 含一口水。 [Keep a mouthful of water.] - Example: 含漱剂。 [Keep a mouthful of mouthwash.] - Example: 含英咀华。 [Repeatedly savoring the subtleties of literature.] - Example: 含饴弄孙。 [Holding candy to tease the grandchildren, describing the joys of old age.]2. Contain: 藏在里面,包容在里面。 - Example: 包含。 [To include.] - Example: 含义。 [The meaning contained.] - Example: 含量。 [Content amount.] - Example: 含苞。 [Bud stage.] - Example: 含蕴。 [Contain profound meaning.] - Example: 含混。 [Mix together.] - Example: 含垢纳污。 [To tolerate bad people and bad deeds.]3. Cherish or nurse emotions: 怀有某种感情或意思,不完全表露出来。 - Example: 含怒。 [Harboring anger.] - Example: 含羞。 [Feeling shy.] - Example: 含情。 [Harboring emotions.]4. 【引】 - "《说文》:含,嗛也。" [In "Shuowen," it states: to keep in the mouth.] - "《释名·释饮食》:含,口也,合口亭之也。" [In "Shiming" it states: It relates to the mouth, closing the lips around something.] - "《庄子·马蹄》:含哺而熙,鼓腹而游。" [In "Zhuangzi," it describes: Holding food in the mouth, contentedly swimming.] - "《庄子·外物》:生不布施,死何含珠为?" [In "Zhuangzi," it questions: If one does not give while alive, what gain is there in holding pearls in death?] - "《后汉书·明德马皇后传》:吾但当含饴弄孙。" [In "Book of the Later Han," it states: I should just take pleasure in candy and playing with my grandchildren.] 含 [hàn] 名 Gems or pearls formerly put into the mouth of a corpse: 古时丧葬时放在死人口里的珠玉。 Used by the emperor: 天子用玉,诸侯用璧,士用米贝。 【引】 1. "王使荣叔归含且赗。" [The king instructed Rong Shuh to return with gems for burial.] 2. "《周礼·天官·玉府》:大丧共(供)含玉。" [In "Zhouli," it states: In a major funeral, provide jade.] 3. "《公羊传·文公五年》:含者何,口实也。" [In "Gongyang," it discusses: What is '含'? It is the substance in the mouth.] 4. "《谷梁传·隐公元年》:贝玉曰含。" [In "Guliang," pearls and jade are referred to as '含.'] 5. "《战国策·赵策三》:死则不得饭含。" [In "Zhan Guo Ce," it states: In death, one cannot have food '含.']
content / quantity contained
be rich in
ambiguous / vague / careless / perfunctory
to contain / to hold / (of a person or style etc) reserved / restrained / (of words, writings) full of hidden meaning / implicit / veiled (criticism)
to have a smile on one's face
to contain / to accumulate
tearful / tearfully
to contain in a concealed form / to keep covered up / implicit
to contain / to include
gold content / tenor in gold
sand content / quantity of sediment (carried by a river)
water content
to be full of (emotion) / to brim with (love, tears etc)
containing oil / oil-bearing
(of speech) obscure / unclear / (of actions) vague / ineffectual
equivocation / talking vaguely
to contain / including
to contain / to embody / to include
wronged / to suffer false accusations
fluorine content
sulfur-containing / sulfur-bearing
carbon content / temper
containing phosphate
shy / bashfully / with a shy look
mimosa / sensitive plant (that closes its leaves when touched)
to suffer every possible torment (idiom); bitter hardship / to bear one's cross
meaning (implicit in a phrase) / implied meaning / hidden meaning / hint / connotation
in bud / budding
be in bud
Input Method for 含
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters