说 Stroke Order
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Information of 说
Pinyinshuō、 shuì、 yuè
9 strokes
persuade (politically), to speak / to say
说 shuō 〈动〉 1. 用话来表达意思:to express meaning through words. - 说话 (speak), 说明 (explain), 演说 (give a speech), 解说 (commentary). 2. 介绍:to introduce. - 说合 (to mediate), 说媒 (to act as a matchmaker). 3. 言论,主张:discourse, viewpoint. - 学说 (theory), 著书立说 (to write and assert one's views). 4. 责备:to reprimand. - 数说 (to scold). 5. 文体的一种,如韩愈的:a style of writing, such as Han Yu's "师说". 说 shuō 〈名〉 1. 学说;观点;言论:theory; teachings; viewpoint. - 例:又一说 (another viewpoint), 著书立说 (to write and assert one's viewpoints). 2. 古代墨家逻辑的名词,指推理:a term in ancient Moism referring to inference. 3. 指说书:storytelling. - 例:如《爱莲说》 (e.g. "The Lotus" discourse). 4. 一种文体,通过发表议论或记述事物来说明某个道理:a type of literary form that elucidates a principle through discussion or narration.用言语劝说别人,使其听从或采纳:to persuade others through words, leading them to comply or adopt an idea. - 说服 (to persuade), 游说 (to lobby).说 shuì 〈动〉 1. 说服;劝说:to persuade; to advise. 2. 休憩;止息:to rest; to stop. 3. 另见 shuō; yuè:see also shuō and yuè.
tell / narrate
in other words
speaking and singing, as in various forms of storytelling such as 彈詞|弹词[tan2 ci2] and 相聲|相声[xiang4 sheng5] / (music) rapping
for example / such as / for instance
come to an agreement
to act as a matchmaker
now the story goes
finish talking / done talking
can't say for sure / maybe
novel / fiction / CL:本[ben3],部[bu4]
in other words / that is
that is to say / in other words
in the final analysis / in the end
It's hard to say. / There is no saying that ...
to hear (sth said) / one hears (that) / hearsay / listening and speaking
let alone
speak slowly
or say
in the ordinary course of events / ordinarily / normally
it is reasonable to say that...
it is said that / reportedly
(idiom) you can't rely on a verbal agreement / just because sb says sth, doesn't mean it's true
to talk rubbish
to say again / to put off a discussion until later / moreover / what's more / besides
to explain / to illustrate / to indicate / to show / to prove / explanation / directions / caption / CL:個|个[ge4]
to persuade / to convince / to talk sb over / Taiwan pr. [shui4 fu2]
talk in one's dream / talk nonsense / talk in sleep
Input Method for 说
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters