蚑 stroke order

蚑 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 蚑 Stroke Order Diagrams for 蚑 Information of 蚑 PinyinqRadical虫Strokes10 strokesUsage★★Definition 蚑 [q] 动 1. 虫类徐行 (slowly move; slowly moving in the manner of a worm) 例: “蠉飞蠕动,~行哙息。” Exampl...

蚑 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 蚑

蚑 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 蚑

蚑 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 蚑




10 strokes




蚑 [qí] 动 1. 虫类徐行 (slowly move; slowly moving in the manner of a worm) 例: “蠉飞蠕动,~行哙息。” Example: "Slowly moving like a worm."名 1. 虫名。蟢蛛 (name of an insect: Tetra-gnatha) 2. 蟛蚑 (amphibious crab), 又名“蟛蜞”。甲壳纲。似蟹,体小,螯足无毛,红色;步足有毛,穴居近海地区江河沼泽的泥岸中. (also known as "蟛蜞". It belongs to the class of crustaceans. It resembles a crab, is small in size, with non-haired pincers, red in color, and hairy walking legs, residing in muddy shores of coastal areas, rivers, and marshes.)引 1. 《说文》:蚑,行也。从虫,支声。按,虫行也。 (From "Shuowen": "蚑 means movement. It is formed from the radical for insect, indicating insect movement.") 2. 《淮南子·俶真》:蚑行哙息。 (From "Huainanzi": "蚑 moves slowly and breathes lightly.") 例 又如: 蚑行 (昆虫举首而行的样子) Example: "蚑行" refers to the appearance of insects lifting their heads and moving.名 1. 虫名。蟢蛛 (name of an insect: Tetra-gnatha) 引 1. 《声类》:蚑蛷,多足虫也。 (From "Shenglei": "蚑蛷 refers to a many-legged insect.") 2. 枚乘《七发》:蚑蟜蝼蚁。 3. 《七命》:昆蚑感惠。 例 又如: 蚑蛷 (虫名。多脚,形如小蜈蚣,青黑色); 蚑蛲 (多足的蚑虫和没脚的蛲虫。常用以指低等动物). Example: "蚑蛷" refers to a many-legged insect resembling a centipede and is dark green; "蚑蛲" refers to many-legged insects and footless nematodes, commonly used to refer to lower animals. 2. 蟛蚑 (amphibious crab), 又名“蟛蜞”。甲壳纲。似蟹,体小,螯足无毛,红色;步足有毛,穴居近海地区江河沼泽的泥岸中. (also known as "蟛蜞". It belongs to the class of crustaceans. It resembles a crab, is small in size, with non-haired pincers, red in color, and hairy walking legs, residing in muddy shores of coastal areas, rivers, and marshes.)

Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters


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  • 蚑 stroke order

    蚑 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 蚑 Stroke Order Diagrams for 蚑 Information of 蚑 PinyinqRadical虫Strokes10 strokesUsage★★Definition 蚑 [q] 动 1. 虫类徐行 (slowly move; slowly moving in the manner of a worm) 例: “蠉飞蠕动,~行哙息。” Exampl

    2024-12-03 20:00:02
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