撒 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 撒
Stroke Order Diagrams for 撒
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 撒
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "撒" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "撒" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Information of 撒
Pinyinsǎ、 sā
15 strokes
let go, to scatter
撒 (sā)1. 放开,发出: To let go; to emit. - Example: 撒手 (to let go). - Example: 撒网 (to cast a net). - Example: 撒谎 (to tell lies). - Example: 撒气 (to vent anger).2. 尽量施展或表现出来: To express or display to the fullest extent. - Example: 撒刁 (to act cunningly). - Example: 撒奸 (to be sneaky). - Example: 撒娇 (to act spoiled). - Example: 撒欢儿 (to have a good time). - Example: 撒野 (to act wild). - Example: 撒酒疯 (to get drunk and act crazy).3. 姓: A surname.撒 (sā)1. 抛开;放开: To cast; to let go; to let out. 2. 松动;脱落: To loosen. 3. 放;排泄: To urinate.4. 耍;故意施展、表现: To throw off all restraint; to let oneself go.5. 甩开,舍弃: To throw off.6. 摆放: To place.7. 塞;系: To stop; to tie.8. 弯着: To bend.9. 结成 (对): To match.10. 离: To leave.11. 姓: A surname.12. 另见 sǎ: See also sǎ.撒 (sǎ)1. 散播,散布,散落: To scatter; to spread; to drop. - Example: 撒种 (to sow seeds). - Example: 撒播 (to broadcast).2. 姓: A surname.撒 (sǎ)1. 同本义: Same as the original meaning; to scatter; to sprinkle; to spread. - 引: 引自《集韵》:撒,散之也。 - Example: 星如撒沙出 (the stars seem to scatter like sand).2. 散落,洒下: To spill; to drop. - Example: 撒花 (scattered flower patterns on fabric).3. 只把脚尖伸进鞋内,拖着走: To slip one’s toes into a shoe and drag.4. 插;塞进: To stick; to insert.5. 另见 sā: See also sā.
Sahara Desert
to act like a spoiled child / to throw a tantrum / to act coquettishly
to leave one's mortal frame (idiom) / to die
to pass water / to piss / to urinate / to wee wee
Julius Caesar
(Catholic) Mass
to sprinkle
Caesar or Kaiser (name)
to tell lies
to let go of sth / to give up
Samarkand, city in Uzbekistan
to display shockingly bad behavior / to behave atrociously
(fig.) trump card
Western Sahara
Satan or Shaitan
to make an unreasonable scene
Saxon (people)
to stand aside and do nothing (idiom) / to take no part in
Thatcher (name) / Baroness Thatcher or Margaret Thatcher (1925-2013), British conservative politician, prime minister 1979-1990
Peloponnese (peninsula in southern Greece)
struggle and gesticulate savagely / act like a spoiled child / pout and try all one's sweet wiles
Input Method for 撒
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters