捣 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 捣
Stroke Order Diagrams for 捣
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 捣
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 捣
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "捣" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "捣" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 捣
10 strokes
pound / beat / hull / attack / disturb / stir
捣 dǎo 【动】 1. 砸,舂 (beat with a pestle; pound) - 例如: 捣米 (pound rice), 捣蒜 (pound garlic), 捣药 (pound medicine), 捣毁 (smash). 2. 冲,攻打 (attack) - 例如: 直捣敌巢 (directly attack the enemy's den). 3. 搅扰 (cause trouble; create a disturbance; mess things up) - 例如: 捣乱 (cause disturbance), 捣鬼 (make mischief). 4. 用同“倒”。倒换,替换 (replace) - 例如: 捣替 (rotate replacement), 捣装 (change transport). 本义: 捣,舂 (original meaning: to beat; to pound) 造字法: 形声。从手,岛声 (character formation: pictophonetic; consists of the hand radical and the sound "dǎo"). 引申义: 1. 《说文》:擣,手推也。一曰,筑也。字亦作“捣”。 (According to Shuōwén, 擣 (dǎo) means to push with the hand; another explanation is to build. The character can also be written as "捣".) 2. 《仪礼·有司彻》:擣肉之脯。 (From Yi Li, it refers to pounding meat preserved.) 3. 所以捣郁也。——《礼记·杂记》注 (This is for pounding the gentian flower.) 4. 《齐民要术·种谷》:捣麋鹿羊矢(屎)。 (From Qimin Yaoshu, it refers to pounding the excrements of deer and sheep.) 5. 唐·李白《捣衣篇》:夜捣戎衣向明月。 (From Li Bai's poem, indicates the action of beating garments under the bright moon.) 例: - 又如: 捣碓 (to nod like beating rice); 捣嗓子 (talking while eating and drinking); 捣蒜打 (to pound repeatedly with a stick); 捣磕 (to knock the head). 相关的用法与例: - 捣虚 (attack the weak point of the enemy). - 捣叉子 (find a pretext; provoke a quarrel); 捣鬼吊白 (make mischief); 捣大 (to deceive); 捣谎 (to lie). - 捣替 (to rotate replacements); 捣装 (to change the mode of transport).
to destroy / to smash / sabotage
to play tricks / to cause mischief
to storm / to attack directly
to cause trouble / to stir up trouble
to tinker with / to incite
to buy and sell / peddling
to fiddle with sth / to trade with sth
to pound into pieces / to mash
lit. to directly attack Huanglong / fig. to directly combat the root of a problem
lit. to kowtow like grinding garlic (idiom) / fig. to pound the ground with one's head
pound garlic into pulp
Pound medicine
Pound rice
to disturb / to look for trouble / to stir up a row / to bother sb intentionally
Input Method for 捣
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters