陽 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 陽
Stroke Order Diagrams for 陽
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 陽
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 陽
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "陽" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "陽" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 陽
11 strokes
positive (electric.) / sun
陽 yáng 名词: 1. 明亮。 (Bright.) 2. 中国古代哲学认为宇宙中贯穿所有物质的两大对立面之一,与“阴”相对。 (In ancient Chinese philosophy, one of the two opposing principles that permeate all matter in the universe; opposite of "yin".) 3. 指“太阳”。 (Refers to the "sun".) 4. 山的南面或水的北面(多用于地名)。 (The south side of a mountain or the north side of a river, often used in place names.) 5. 温暖。 (Warm.) 6. 外露的,明显的。 (Exposed; obvious.) 7. 凸出的。 (Bulging; protruding.) 8. 关于活人的。 (Related to the living.) 9. 带正电的。 (Positively charged.) 10. 男性生殖器。 (Male genitals.) 11. 古同“佯”,假装。 (An ancient form of "yang", meaning to pretend.) 12. 姓。 (A surname.) 形容词: 1. 凸出。 (In relief.) 2. 带正电的。 (Positive.) 3. 颜色明亮。 (Bright in color.) 4. 鲜明。 (Clear-cut.) 5. 温暖。 (Warm.) 6. 干旱。 (Dry.) 7. 诈伪。 (Fake.) 8. 奇数。 (Odd.) 动词: 1. 外露;显露。 (To appear; manifest itself.) 2. 假装。 (To pretend; feign.) 3. 复苏;生长。 (To resuscitate; grow.) 4. 通“扬”。 (To raise; lift.) 副词: 表面上。 (Outwardly; openly.) ---陽 yáng 名词: 1. Same as above. 2. Same as above. 3. Same as above. 4. Same as above. 5. Same as above. 6. Same as above. 7. Same as above. 8. Same as above. 9. Same as above. 10. Same as above. 11. Same as above. 12. Same as above. 13. In Chinese philosophy, the masculine or positive principle in nature. 14. Same as above. 15. Same as above. 16. Same as above. 17. Refers to certain internal organs in traditional Chinese medicine. 18. Same as above. 19. Same as above. 20. Same as above. 21. Same as above. 22. Same as above. 23. Same as above. 形容词: 1. Same as above. 2. Same as above. 3. Same as above. 4. Same as above. 5. Same as above. 6. Same as above. 7. Same as above. 8. Same as above. 动词: 1. Same as above. 2. Same as above. 3. Same as above. 4. Same as above. 副词: 表面上。 (Outwardly; openly.) --- This summary provides a comprehensive understanding of the meanings and usages of the character "陽". Each meaning is provided in both Chinese and English for clarity.
Input Method for 陽
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters