办 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 办
Stroke Order Diagrams for 办
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 办
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Information of 办
4 strokes
to do / to manage / to handle / to go about / to run / to set up / to deal with
办bàn1. 处理。 [En.] Handle; manage; do. Example: 办公 (handle affairs); 办事 (manage matters); 办理 (process).2. 处分。 [En.] Punish. Example: 惩办 (punish); 法办 (deal with legally); 首恶必办 (the main culprit must be punished).3. 置备。 [En.] Prepare. Example: 办置 (set up); 办货 (procure goods).4. 创设。 [En.] Found; run; establish. Example: 创办 (establish); 兴办 (promote).办bàn1. (verb) The basic meaning: to handle; to manage. [En.] Handle; manage; do. 引用:《说文新附》:办,致力也。 [Translation:] "Ban, to strive." Example: 办案 (handle a case); 办事 (take care of affairs); 办理 (conduct).2. 做,干。 [En.] Do. 引用:清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》:吾已无事可办,惟待死期耳。 [Translation:] "I have nothing to do but await my death." Example: 怎么办 (what to do); 群众发动起来了,事情就好办了 (once the masses are mobilized, things will be easier to handle).3. 创设,经营,管理。 [En.] Found; run. 引用:清·徐珂《清稗类钞·战事类》:是年,谢庄办团。 [Translation:] "That year, Xie Zhuang established a troupe." Example: 办工厂 (run a factory); 办学校 (manage a school); 办报 (publish a newspaper); 办卖 (liquidate).4. 准备,操办。 [En.] Prepare. 引用:《资治通鉴》:船、粮、战具俱办。 [Translation:] "All ships, grain, and weapons are prepared." Example: 办酒 (prepare a feast); 办丧事 (arrange for a funeral).5. 惩罚。 [En.] Punish. 引用:《三国志·费祎传》:君信可人,必能办贼者也。 [Translation:] "If you believe in the person, he can surely deal with the bandit." Example: 办罪 (punish); 严办 (strictly punish); 首恶必办 (the principal offender must be punished).6. 做成;做好;能做到。 [En.] Accomplish; achieve. 引用:《南史·谢裕传》:食未为而景仁为玄所召。 [Translation:] "Before the meal was prepared, Jing Ren was summoned by Xuán." Example: 趋为诸将军办装 (prepare clothing for various generals).办bàn名词: “办公室”的简称。 [En.] An abbreviation for "office." Example: 如: 侨办 (overseas Chinese affairs office); 工交办 (transportation and communication office).
to assist / to help sb do sth / to cooperate in doing sth
get through
assist in managing / deputy
office / agency
to handle / to transact / to conduct
to organize / to host (a conference or sports event)
to run a school
to open / to start (a business etc) / to set up
to handle official business / to work (esp. in an office)
an admissions office
run by the local people / privately operated
easy to handle
general office
office building / CL:座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]
to undertake / to accept a contract
to punish (someone) / to take disciplinary action against (someone)
teacher paid by the local people
to establish / to found / to launch
office / business premises / bureau / CL:間|间[jian1]
to begin / to set in motion
to arrange matters
desk / bureau / office table
means / method / way (of doing sth) / CL:條|条[tiao2],個|个[ge4]
to investigate (a crime) and prosecute
Overseas Chinese Affairs Office
at a complete loss as to what to do
Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council (abbr. for 國務院港澳事務辦公室|国务院港澳事务办公室[Guo2 wu4 yuan4 Gang3 Ao4 Shi4 wu4 Ban4 gong1 shi4])
to apply for / to bid for
to oversee / to supervise / superintendent
Input Method for 办
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters