暍 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 暍
Stroke Order Diagrams for 暍
Information of 暍
13 strokes
暍 [yē] (动) 1. 中暑 (suffer heatstroke) 例:夏,大旱,民多暍死。 Example: In summer, during a severe drought, many people suffer heatstroke and die.2. 暑热;热 (heat) 例:时属炎暍,热病有加。 Example: At this time, due to the intense heat, heat-related illnesses are increasing. 例:暍困 (to be troubled by heat) Example: 暍暑 (heat) 例:暍暍 (extremely hot) 3. 变色 (change colour) 例:须要晴时于大屋下,风凉处,不见日处曝书,令书色暍。 Example: It is recommended to place books in a shaded, breezy place during sunny days to prevent the books from changing color. 引: 1. 《说文解字·日部》:“暍,伤暑也。” Reference: "暍 means to suffer from heat." 2. 《汉书·卷六·武帝纪》:“夏,大旱,民多暍死。” Reference: "In summer, during a severe drought, many people suffer heatstroke and die." 3. 《齐民要术》:书色暍。 Reference: "The color of the book changed." 4. 《字林》:伤,热也。 Reference: "Injury, it means heat." *引自繁体辞典解释* (动) 1. 中暑。 Reference: The Shuowen Jiezi notes: "暍 means to suffer heat."
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