阨 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 阨
Stroke Order Diagrams for 阨
Information of 阨
6 strokes
阨 [ài] 形容词 1.通“隘”。 English: Passable as “narrow”. 2.窄,小。 English: Narrow, small. 引例: 1. 《庄子·列御寇》:穷闾阨巷。English: The lanes and alleys are confined. 2. 《左传·昭公元年》:彼徒我车,所遇又阨。English: Our carriage meets with obstacles. 3. 《孙子·地形》:料敌制胜,计险阨远近,上将之道也。English: To estimate the enemy and devise the means of victory, understanding the dangers and distances is the way of a commander. 3.困厄;困窘。 English: Dire straits; difficult situation; in a difficult position. 引例: 1. 《列子·汤问》:帝凭怒,侵减龙伯之国使阨。English: The emperor, in his rage, deprived the nation of Longbo and put it in a difficult situation. 2. 《楚辞·屈原·远游》:悲时俗之迫阨兮,愿轻举而远游。English: Sorrowful of the constraints of the times, I wish to travel far and light. 3. 《汉书·刑法志》:其生民也陋阨。English: The populace is in a shabby and confined state. 4. 左思《吴都赋》:邦有湫阨而踡跼。English: In the state, there are narrow paths and constrained movements. 5. 《贾子道术》:优贤不逮谓之宽,反宽为阨。English: When the blind spots in excellence are perceived to be wide, it becomes narrow. 例子: 阨穷 (困厄穷迫) (in dire straits); 阨急 (困厄急迫) (in urgent straits); 阨窘 (危厄困窘) (in a difficult position); 阨难 (灾难) (disaster). 4.另见 è。 English: See also è. 名词 1. 树木的节。《说文解字.?部》:“厄,科厄,木节也。” English: A tree's knot. ("Shuowen Jiezi": "È refers to the knot of wood.") 2.灾难、困难。《文选.左思.魏都赋》:“英辩荣枯,能济其厄。” English: Disasters and difficulties. ("Wenxuan": "The eloquent can navigate through their difficulties.") 宋.苏轼〈三槐堂铭〉:“盗跖之寿,孔颜之厄,此皆天之未定者也。” English: In Song Dynasty, Su Shi wrote: "The longevity of the thief and the troubles of Confucius were all undecided by fate."
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