傂 stroke order

傂 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 傂 Stroke Order Diagrams for 傂 Information of 傂 Pinyinzh、 sRadical亻Strokes12 strokesUsage★★Definition Definition of 「傂」:1. **Meaning**: No definition provided.2. **Meaning**: No definition provided.3. **M...

傂 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 傂

傂 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 傂

傂 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 傂

Pinyinzhì、 sī



12 strokes




Definition of 「傂」:1. **Meaning**: No definition provided.2. **Meaning**: No definition provided.3. **Meaning**: [偨傂] See "偨". 偨池: Also written as "偨傂". Describing a state of unevenness or irregularity. From the text: "偨池茈虒, 旋還乎後宫." 郭璞 notes that 張揖 said "偨池" means unevenness. In the "史记·司马相如列传", it is recorded as "柴池".4. **Meaning**: No definition provided.5. **Meaning**: 傂祁, an ancient place name.6. **Meaning**: From the text "广韵·平支": 傂祁, a place name. Located west of 絳, along the banks of 臨汾 river.7. **Meaning**: Same as "虒".8. **Meaning**: During the Han dynasty, there was 傂奚 county in 渔阳郡. It is recorded in "後汉书·郡国志五". In "汉书·地理志下", it is written as "厗奚". Comments from 颜师古 citing 孟康 mention "厗" is pronounced "題". 王先谦's addition cites 王念孙, stating "厗 should be interpreted as 虒. In rhyme books, 虒 and 厗 have similar pronunciations which can easily confuse. Hence, 虒 is mistakenly recorded as 厗. In "郡國志", 伯邱水 also notes it as 傂奚."

Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters



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  • 傂 stroke order

    傂 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 傂 Stroke Order Diagrams for 傂 Information of 傂 Pinyinzh、 sRadical亻Strokes12 strokesUsage★★Definition Definition of 「傂」:1. **Meaning**: No definition provided.2. **Meaning**: No definition provided.3. **M

    2024-12-08 05:35:02
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