顽 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 顽
Stroke Order Diagrams for 顽
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 顽
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "顽" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "顽" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 顽
10 strokes
mischievous / obstinate / to play / stupid / stubborn / naughty
顽 wán 1. Stupid; dull. 愚顽: (stupid) 冥顽不灵: (foolish and dull, unable to respond). 2. Not easily changed or swayed. 顽固: (stubborn) 顽强: (tenacious) 顽敌: (unyielding enemy) 顽症: (chronic condition) 刁顽: (crafty and stubborn) 负隅顽抗: (defend obstinately). 3. Mischievous; naughty. 顽皮: (naughty) 顽童: (mischievous child). 4. Same as 玩 (to play). 顽 wán [名] (noun) 【本义】: Difficult to split log. 【造字法】: Phonetic-ideographic character, composed of the radical "頁" (yé) and the phonetic component "元". 1. Same as the original meaning (log split difficultly). 引: 1. 唐·元稹《画松》: "纤枝无萧洒,顽干空突兀" (Fine branches lack elegance, while the tough logs appear stark). 2. Stupid and stubborn person; diehards. 例: 顽军 (stubborn faction's army). 3. Ferocious person. 引: 1. 唐·李白《豫章行》: "岂惜战斗死,为君扫凶顽" (Do not regret dying in battle, to clear away the ferocious). 顽 wán [形] (adjective) 1. Extended to mean perfectly round. 引: 1. 《徐霞客游记》: "闻平乐以下,四顾皆土山,而巉厉之石,不挺于陆而藏于水矣" (From Pingle down, surrounded by soil mountains, the steep stones hidden in water). 2. Stubborn; unmanageable. 引: 1. 《国语·郑语》: "顽童穷固" (The stubborn child remains unyielding). 例: 如: 顽算 (to play tricks); 刁顽 (crafty and obstinate); 顽户 (households that owe taxes in ancient times); 顽陋 (stubbornly lowly); 顽竖 (a mischievous boy); 顽躯 (a strong body); 顽猾 (cunning and mischievous). 3. Dull-witted; stupid. 引: 1. 《广雅·释诂一》: "顽,愚也" (Stupid). 2. 《书·尧典》: "父顽" (Father is dull). 3. 白居易《自蜀江至洞庭湖口有感而作》: "疑自苗人顽,恃险不终役" (Suspecting the Miao people are dull, relying on danger without ending their roles). 例: 如: 冥顽不灵; 顽仙 (foolish and ignorant immortal); 顽昧 (ignorant and stupid); 顽疏 (foolish and careless); 顽卤 (dull and slow); 顽贪 (stupidly greedy); 顽恶 (stupid and rebellious); 顽愚 (foolish and slow-witted); 顽鄙 (dull and vulgar). 4. Hard. 引: 1. 《三侠五义》: "蛮兵如此顽皮,非火攻安能取胜" (Such fierce barbarian troops, can only win with fire attacks). 例: 如: 顽皮 (hard and tough); 顽铁 (hard iron); 顽金 (hard metal); 顽块 (hard clay); 顽重 (both hard and heavy); 顽肉 (necrotic hard meat). 5. Coarse and blunt. 例: 如: 顽璞 (raw jade); 顽钝 (not sharp tools); 顽厚 (coarse thickness); 顽朴 (rough and simple); 顽砖 (substandard bricks). 6. Violent. 例: 如: 顽飇 (storm); 顽阳 (scorching sun); 顽徒 (rude and lawless person). 7. Firm. 引: 1. 宋·陆游《示二子》: "耄期尚有江湖兴,顽健人言见未曾" (Even in old age, there is still life in rivers and lakes, the firm-hearted has never been seen). 顽 wán [动] (verb) 1. Same as 玩 (to play). 引: 1. 《二十年目睹之怪现状》: "拜了拜本州,就到上海去顽了这多少日子" (After greeting this state, went to Shanghai to play for days). 例: 如: 顽耍子 (to play; to roam); 顽不开 (unable to cope); 顽耍 (to frolic; to play); 顽游 (to play; to tour); 顽具 (toys). 2. To be greedy for. 例: 如: 顽涎 (greed; often related to beauty). 顽廉懦立 (to reform greedy people to be honest, to empower the weak to stand on their own).
stubborn / obstinate
tenacious / hard to defeat
stubborn and obstreperous / naughty and mischievous
ignorant and stubborn
stupid / stubborn
stupid / stubborn / pigheaded
put up a desperate struggle / a last-ditch struggle / have one's back to the wall
stubbornly resist
be set in one's way / incorrigibly obstinate / (This obstinate man) is unteachable. / obstinate and unchangeable
stubborn illness / disease that is difficult to treat
ineradicable disease / fig. deep-seated problem / perennial problem
hard rock / insensate stone
fierce and uncontrollable
refractoriness / intractable
stubborn enemy / inveterate foe
Input Method for 顽
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters