羖 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 羖
Stroke Order Diagrams for 羖
Information of 羖
10 strokes
羖 [gǔ]1. Black ram. 黑色的公羊。2. Goat. 山羊。3. A sheep that has been cut (castrated). 阄割过的羊。4. Example: "(From 'Zhao Jianzi') Wears the fur of a black ram." 引例:“(赵简子)衣~羊裘。”5. Note: The character is a phono-semantic compound composed of the "sheep" radical and the phonetic component "shū." The primary meaning is "black ram." 注:这个字是形声字,由“羊”部和“殳”(shū)声构成。本义是“黑色的公羊。” 6. Reference: "From the Jin Shu: From Duke Mu to Emperor Shi, all could remain attentive to the wise, seeking talented individuals from afar, recruiting You Yu in the Western Rong, bringing the five 羖 (referring to Bai Li Xie. Duke Mu used five lambskins to redeem him from Chu and entrusted him with state affairs, being referred to as Duke of the Five 羖) in Wanshi, obtaining the right leopard in Jin Qing, and welcoming Jian Shu in the lineage." 引用:《晋书·段灼传》:自穆公至于始皇,皆能留心待贤,远求异士,招由余于西戎,致五羖(指百里奚。穆公用五张羊皮把他从楚国赎回,并授以国政,称五羖大夫)于宛市,取正豹于晋卿,迎蹇叔于宗里。
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters