枭 stroke order

枭 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 枭 Stroke Order Diagrams for 枭 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 枭 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "枭", learn the correct stroke order (笔...

枭 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 枭

枭 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 枭

枭 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 枭

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 枭

Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials

Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "枭", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "枭", and master the standard way of writing the character "枭".

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 枭

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "枭" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 枭 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "枭" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 枭 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Information of 枭




8 strokes




brave / owl / strix uralensis

枭 (xiāo)1. 一种与鸱鸺相似的鸟。 (A type of bird similar to the owl.)2. 勇健。 (Fierce and robust.)3. 古代刑罚,把头割下来悬挂在木上。 (An ancient punishment where the head is severed and hung on a tree.)4. 旧时指私贩食盐的人。 (In ancient times, referred to those who privately traded salt.)【名】 1. 猫头鹰 ([En.] owlet) (An owlet.) 2. 旧时指私贩食盐的人 ([En.] smuggler) (Refers to a smuggler of salt in ancient times.) 3. 使人娱乐、愉快或欢欣的某种方法与手段 ([En.] amusement) (A means or method to entertain or amuse people.) 【形】1. “枭”假借为“骁”,最勇健。 (The character "枭" is also used to represent "骁", which means the most brave and strong.) 【动】1. 悬头示众 ([En.] behead and put before the public) (To behead a person and display the head.) 2. 淆乱 ([En.] disturb) (To disturb or confuse.) 3. 昭示;宣布 ([En.] declare) (To declare or announce.) 4. 挡;推 ([En.] keep off) (To block or push away.) 5. 撩 ([En.] hold up) (To hold something up.) 【引】 1. 《说文》:枭,不孝鸟也。曰捕枭磔之,从枭头在木上。 (From the "Shuowen": "枭" is an unfilial bird. When captured, it is displayed with its head on a tree.) 2. 《汉书·郊祀志》:用一枭破镜。 (From "Han Shu": Utilize a "枭" to break a mirror.) 3. 《诗·大雅·瞻卬》:为枭为鸱。 (From "Book of Songs": To act like a "枭" or an owl.) 4. 《汉书·司马相如传》:射游枭。 (From "Han Shu": To shoot a "游枭".) 5. 《汉书·郊祀志》:鸱枭群翔。 (From "Han Shu": Owls and "枭" soar together.) 6. 枭鸣松桂枝。——唐·白居易《凶宅》诗 (Screams of "枭" in the pine and osmanthus branches. —From Bai Juyi's poem "The Haunting House".) 【例】 1. 枭奴 (a fierce servant); 枭獍 (a cruel and ungrateful person). (For example: "枭奴" means a fierce servant; "枭獍" refers to a cruel and ungrateful person.) 2. 盐枭 (Salt smuggler.)3. 猫头鹰(如: 枭卢)。 (An ancient game called "樗蒱", with terms like "枭" for one and "卢" for six.)

xiāo xióng

ambitious and ruthless character / formidable person

yán xiāo

Salt owl

xiāo shǒu shì zhòng

to behead sb and display the head in public

xiāo shǒu

to behead

sī xiāo


dú xiāo

drug pusher

Input Method for 枭








Four Corner




Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters


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  • 枭 stroke order

    枭 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 枭 Stroke Order Diagrams for 枭 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 枭 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "枭", learn the correct stroke order (笔

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