睎 stroke order

睎 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 睎 Stroke Order Diagrams for 睎 Information of 睎 PinyinxRadical目Strokes12 strokesUsage★★Definition 睎 [x] 1. 眺望。 (To gaze or look into the distance.) 例: “于是~秦岭,睋北阜。” (Translation: “So I look t...

睎 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 睎

睎 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 睎

睎 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 睎




12 strokes




睎 [xī] 1. 眺望。 (To gaze or look into the distance.) 例: “于是~秦岭,睋北阜。” (Translation: “So I look towards the Qinling Mountains and the north hills.”)2. 仰慕。 (To admire or have admiration for.) 例: “~颜之人,亦颜之徒也。” (Translation: “Those who admire beauty are also those who pursue fame.”)3. 斜视。 (To glance sideways or look askance.) 4. 希望。 (To hope for or long for.) 例: “然葵藿之心,~见太阳。” (Translation: “Yet the heart of the sunflower yearns to see the sun.”)【本义】: 远望 (Original meaning: to look far away.) 【造字法】: 形声。从目,希声。 (Phonetic composition: The character is a phono-semantic compound; it includes the component for eye and indicates a sound related to hope.)同本义 ([En.] keep a lookout) 引 1. 《说文》:睎?,望也。 (From "Shuowen": The character means to look.) 2. 班固《西都赋》:睎{秦岭}。 (From Ban Gu's "West Capital Ode": gaze towards the Qinling Mountains.) 3. 《古诗十九首》:引领遥相睎。 (From "Nineteen Old Poems": Leading the way with a distant gaze.) 例 又如: 载睎望 (眺望;远望) (For example: to gaze or to look far away.) 仰慕 ([En.] admire) 例 如: 睎古 (怀想古昔) (For example: to yearn for the past.)

Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters


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  • 睎 stroke order

    睎 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 睎 Stroke Order Diagrams for 睎 Information of 睎 PinyinxRadical目Strokes12 strokesUsage★★Definition 睎 [x] 1. 眺望。 (To gaze or look into the distance.) 例: “于是~秦岭,睋北阜。” (Translation: “So I look t

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