徽 stroke order

徽 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 徽 Stroke Order Diagrams for 徽 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 徽 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "徽", learn the correct stroke order (笔...

徽 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 徽

徽 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 徽

徽 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 徽

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 徽

Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials

Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "徽", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "徽", and master the standard way of writing the character "徽".

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 徽

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "徽" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 徽 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "徽" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 徽 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)

Download Free Worksheet (PDF)

Information of 徽




17 strokes





徽 [huī] 名 1. 标志,符号。 [En.] Emblem; sign. 2. 美好的。 [En.] Good; beautiful. 3. 〔徽州〕旧地名,在今中国安徽省歙县。简称“徽”,如“徽墨”。 [En.] Huizhou, an old place name, now in She County, Anhui province, China. Abbreviated as "徽", as in "徽墨". 4. 系琴弦的绳,后用做抚琴标记的名称,古琴全弦共十三徽。 [En.] Cord for the string of a stringed instrument, later used as a name for marking when playing the guqin, which has a total of thirteen markings for its strings. 1. 标志,符号:国徽。校徽。帽徽。徽章。徽记。徽帜。 [En.] Sign or emblem: national emblem, school badge, hat badge, insignia, emblem, flag. 2. 美好的:徽号。 [En.] Good or beautiful: good name. 3. 〔徽州〕旧地名,在今中国安徽省歙县。简称“徽”,如“徽墨”。 [En.] Huizhou, an old place name located in She County, Anhui province, China; abbreviated as "徽", as in "徽墨". 4. 系琴弦的绳,后用做抚琴标记的名称,古琴全弦共十三徽。 [En.] Cord for the string of a stringed instrument, also referring to the markings for the thirteen syllables on the guqin.徽 [huī] 形 1. 美好;善良。 [En.] Good; beautiful. 2. 宏伟。 [En.] Magnificent. 徽 [huī] 动 1. 停止;静止。 [En.] Still; cease. 2. 束缚;捆绑。 [En.] Bind; tie. 徽 [huī] 名 1. 同本义 ([En.] three strands of rope) 引: 《说文》:徽,三股绳也。 [En.] Comment: "The character '徽' means three strands of rope." 2. 绳索 ([En.] rope) 引: 《汉书·扬雄传》:免于徽索。 [En.] Comment: "Safety from being bound by ropes." 例: 徽索(徽绳。捆绑俘虏、罪人的绳索);徽纆(绳索;捆绑);徽缠(绳索。亦比喻束缚,牵累);徽绳(徽索。指捆绑罪人的绳索) [En.] Examples: 飭索 (binding rope for captives), 绳 (rope; to bind); 缠 (to entangle), 绳 (binding rope for convicts). 3. 琴徽,系琴弦的绳 ([En.] cord for the string of a stringed instrument) 引: 《汉书·扬雄传》:今夫弦者,高张急徽,追趋逐耆,则坐者不期而附矣。 [En.] Comment: "A string being taut is like the urgent binding of a cord..." 4. 后亦指七弦琴琴面十三个指示音节的标识。 引: 嵇康《琴赋》:弦以园客之丝,徽以钟山之玉。 [En.] Comment: "The strings are made from silk, while the markings are from the jade of the bell mountain." 5. 标志;符号 ([En.] emblem; sign)。 例: 如:徽车(饰有徽帜的车);徽物(指区别等级的标志物,如旌旗、服饰等);徽识(古代朝廷或军中用以识别的标志);国徽;校徽;帽徽。 [En.] Examples: Vehicles with emblems, objects of distinction (like flags, clothing); emblems used for identification in courts; national emblems, school badges, hat badges. 6. 旗帜 ([En.] flag) 引: 《礼记·大传》:易服色,殊徽号。 [En.] Comment: "Change the colors of clothing, each with distinct emblems." 7. 绑腿布 ([En.] bandage) 引: 《说文》:徽,袤幅也。 [En.] Comment: "The term refers to the width of a strip of cloth." 8. 徽州的省称 ([En.] Huizhou prefecture)。旧府治在今安徽省歙县。 例: 如:徽墨。 [En.] Example: "徽墨", or Huizhou ink. 9. 安徽省的简称 ([En.] Anhui). 例: 如:徽调。 [En.] Example: "徽调", or Anhui local tune. 徽 [huī] 形 1. 美好;善良 ([En.] good) 引: 《尔雅·释诂》:徽,善也。 [En.] Comment: "徽 means good." 例: 如:徽睇(美丽的眼睛);徽绩(美好的功绩);徽徽(美好的样子);徽显(善美显著)。 [En.] Examples: Beautiful eyes, good deeds, beautiful appearance, notable goodness. 2. 宏伟 ([En.] magnificent). 例: 如:徽业(宏业,伟业);徽庸(丰功,伟绩);徽绩(伟绩)。 [En.] Examples: Great enterprise, outstanding achievements. 徽 [huī] 动 1. 停止;静止 ([En.] still). 引: 陆机《挽歌诗》:悲风徽行轨,倾云结流蔼。 [En.] Comment: "Sorrowful winds stand still, the clouds form into streams." 2. 束缚;捆绑 ([En.] bind). 引: 扬雄《解嘲》:徽以纠墨。 [En.] Comment: "To bind with cords." 例: 如:徽束;徽猛(束缚猛兽)。 [En.] Examples: To bind; to bind ferocious beasts.

Ān huī

Anhui Province (Anhwei) in south central China, abbr. 皖[Wan3], capital Hefei 合肥[He2 fei2]

Ān huī Shěng

Anhui Province (Anhwei) in south central China, abbr. 皖[Wan3], capital Hefei 合肥[He2 fei2]

huī hào

title of honor / term of respect

Huī zhōu

Huizhou district of Huangshan city 黃山市|黄山市[Huang2 shan1 shi4], Anhui

guó huī

national emblem / coat of arms

huī zhāng

badge / emblem / insignia / crest / logo / coat of arms

jūn huī

army emblem

huì huī


huī shāng

Huizhou merchants / Huizhou businessman

mào huī

insignia on a cap

tuán huī

League badge

Huī mò

Anhui ink (known for its quality)

Huī jù

Anhui opera

xiào huī

school badge / college insignia / university crest

huī jì

crest / insignia

Huī xiàn

Hui county in Longnan 隴南|陇南[Long3 nan2], Gansu

huī zhōu dì qū

Huizhou area

Input Method for 徽








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  • 徽 stroke order

    徽 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 徽 Stroke Order Diagrams for 徽 Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 徽 Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "徽", learn the correct stroke order (笔

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