警 Stroke Order
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Information of 警
19 strokes
to alert / to warn
警 [jǐng]1. Warn of potential dangers, be vigilant, and advise. 注意可能发生的危险,戒备,告诫。2. Events or messages that require vigilance. 需要戒备的事件或消息。3. Keen perception and unique insight. 感觉敏锐,见解独到。4. Armed forces maintained by the state to uphold social order and security. 国家维持社会秩序和治安的武装力量。1. Warn of potential dangers, be vigilant, and advise: 警卫,警世,警告,警戒,警备,警惕,警省(警惕醒悟)。2. Events or messages that require vigilance: 警号,警报,警钟。3. Keen perception and unique insight: 警句,警觉,机警。4. Armed forces maintained by the state to uphold social order and security: 警察,警士。动 | [jǐng] | Verb- 本义: Admonish 【本义】:戒敕- 造字法: Pictophonetic character. Derived from speech and respect; the respect also indicates sound. 【造字法】:会意。从言,从敬,敬亦声。1. To warn or admonish. 同本义 ([En.] warn; admonish)2. To be vigilant; to prevent. 戒备;防备 ([En.] outpost)3. To be startled or alarmed. 通“惊”。惊恐;惊动 ([En.] start; be frightened; surprise; shock)名 | [jǐng] | Noun1. Abbreviation for police. 警察的简称 ([En.] policeman; police)2. Alarm. 警报 ([En.] alarm)形 | [jǐng] | Adjective1. Intuitive. 敏悟 ([En.] intuitive)2. Unique and refined theme in writing. 文章语意新妙凝炼的 ([En.] aphoristic)动 | [jǐng] | Verb- 本义: Admonish 【本义】:戒敕- 造字法: Pictophonetic character. Derived from speech and respect; the respect also indicates sound. 【造字法】:会意。从言,从敬,敬亦声。1. To warn or admonish. 同本义 ([En.] warn; admonish)引 (References)1. 《说文》:警,戒也。 2. 《周礼·宰夫》:正岁,则以法警戒群吏。 3. 《礼记·文王世子》:所以警众也。 4. 《文赋》:乃一篇之警策。 5. 《左传·宣公十二年》:今年或者大警晋也。 6. 清· 方苞《狱中杂记》:以警其余。 例 (Examples)如:警告;警励;警迹人;警鼓;警动;警新;警众;警省。名 | [jǐng] | Noun1. Abbreviation for police. 警察的简称 ([En.] policeman; police)例 (Examples)如:门警;民警;交通警;巡警;乘警;警廷;警棍;岗警;法警;路警。2. Alarm. 警报 ([En.] alarm)引 (References)1. 宋· 苏轼《教战守》:盗贼之警。 2. 清· 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》:每有警。 例 (Examples)如:示警;告警;火警。形 | [jǐng] | Adjective1. Intuitive. 敏悟 ([En.] intuitive)引 (References)1. 《三国志·武帝纪》:太祖少机警,有权数。例 (Examples)如:警彗;警黠;警省。2. Unique and refined theme in writing. 文章语意新妙凝炼的 ([En.] aphoristic)例 (Examples)如:警句;警炼;警粉。
to warn / to admonish
to stand guard over / (security) guard
guard / escort / posse
constable / police officer
police / police officer / CL:個|个[ge4]
police officer
to be on the alert / vigilant / alert / on guard / to warn
vigilance / alertness
to warn / to alert / to be on the alert / to stand guard / sentinel
police cordon / alert level
military police / military guard
police truncheon
armed police
police dog
police station (abbr. for 警察署[jing3 cha2 shu3])
police rank
to be on guard / alert / vigilance / alertness
warning / early warning
civil police / PRC police / abbr. for 人民警察
(fire) alarm / alert signal / alarm / alert / warning
to warn / to alert / warning / cautionary
early warning aircraft system, e.g. US AWACS
traffic police / abbr. for 交通警察
to sound an alarm / to report sth to the police
guard / garrison
police / police cadres
to run for shelter
to be alert
Input Method for 警
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters