緌 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 緌
Stroke Order Diagrams for 緌
Information of 緌
14 strokes
緌 [ruí] [名] 1. 缨子 (tassels hanging from a hat or cap) 2. 古代冠带结在下巴下面的下垂部分 (the part that hangs down from the knot of a headwear under the chin in ancient times) 3. 似缨饰的下垂物 (a hanging object similar to tassels) 4. 古指有虞氏旌旗,以旄牛尾注于竿首为之。后泛指旌旗或旗帜的垂游 (referring to the flag of the Yu clan in ancient times, later generally indicating flags or banners) - Example: 緌章 (decorations at the top of a flagpole) - Example: 緌旌 (flags with hanging streamers)[动] 1. 系结 (to tie) 2. 继续 (to continue) - Example: 蹑履緌冠 (wearing a tied crown while walking) - Example: 緌,继也 (continuation) 引 1. 《说文》:緌,系冠缨也。谓缨之垂者。 ([En.] "Rui, refers to the hanging tassels of a crown.") 2. 《礼记·檀弓》:丧冠不緌。 ([En.] "In mourning, hats should not have tassels.") 3. 《礼记·内则》:冠緌缨。孔颖达疏:“结缨颌下以固冠,结之余者,散而下垂,谓之緌。” ([En.] "In the Book of Rites, it is mentioned that the tassels hanging from under the chin of a crown are called 'Rui.'") 4. 唐·虞世南《蝉》:垂緌饮清露,流响出疏桐。 ([En.] "Refers to the image of hanging tassels drinking the dew.") 5. 宋·佚名《沁园春·寿东屏》:蹑履緌冠。 ([En.] "Wearing a tied crown while walking.") 6. 《尔雅》:緌,继也。 ([En.] "In the Erya, it states that 'Rui' means continuation.")
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