儘 Stroke Order
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Stroke Order Diagrams for 儘
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Information of 儘
16 strokes
to the greatest extent / (when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme / to be within the limits of / to give priority to
儘 jǐn1. 极,最。 "Extreme, utmost."例: ~底下。~里头。 "e.g., (to the) bottom. (to the) inside." 2. 力求达到最大限度。 "To strive to reach the maximum extent." 例: ~量(liàng)。~管。 "e.g., to the greatest extent (amount). to the full extent." 3. 都,全。 "All, completely."例: 《西游记·第一回》:“美猴王果独自登筏,儘力撑开。” "From 'Journey to the West: Chapter 1': 'The Monkey King indeed rowed alone, striving with all his strength to push it open.'" 副词:1. (形声,从人,尽声。尽者器之中空,故人竭其所有或所能为尽。) "Phonetic character, consisting of 'person' and the sound 'jìn'. 'Jìn' means an object is hollow inside; thus, it represents a person exhausting their all or achievable limits." 2. 儘量,儘可能 ([En.] to the greatest extent)。 - 例: 如:儘早;儘分(儘量);儘語(儘量告訴) "e.g., as early as possible; to the fullest extent (to the best of one's ability); to tell as much as possible." 3. 意思同“最”,用在方位词的前面 ([En.] always)。 - 例: 如:儘南邊;儘前邊 "e.g., (always) to the south; (always) to the front." 4. 老是;总 ([En.] always)。 - 例: 如:儘子(总是;老是) "e.g., (always) my son." 5. (方言)∶保持某种事情的连续性 ([En.] keep on doing something)。 - 例: 如:他衣服都被汗湿透了,还儘着干呢? "e.g., His clothes were soaked with sweat, yet he kept on working." 动词:1. 表示以某个范围为界限,不得超过 ([En.] within)。 - 例: 如:儘着一天把事情处理完 "e.g., (within) to finish the task within a day." 2. 让先 ([En.] first; give priority to)。 - 例: 如:儘让(谦让);儘着好位子坐;儘好的吃 "e.g., (to) give in (to be modest); to take a good seat; to eat as much as possible." 3. 任凭,纵使 ([En.] no matter). - 例: 武衍《宫词》:惟有落红不禁,儘教飞舞出宫墙。 "e.g., (No matter) the falling petals still fly out of the palace walls." 4. 另见 jìn "See also: jìn." 动词 完结、终止。 "Verb meaning to conclude or terminate." - 组词:「取之不尽」、「无穷无尽」、「冬尽春来」。"Word combinations: 'inexhaustible', 'endless', 'winter ends and spring comes'." - 唐·李商隐〈无题〉诗:「春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始乾。」"From Tang poet Li Shangyin: 'The spring silkworms die and only then do the threads end; the candle burns to ash and only then do tears dry.'" 动词 全部用出,竭力、努力完成。 "Verb meaning to expend all, to strive and to complete." - 组词: 「竭尽所能」、「尽其所长」。"Word combinations: 'do one's utmost', 'give full play to one's strengths'." - 《孟子·梁惠王上》:「寡人之于国也,尽心焉耳矣。」"From 'Mencius': 'As for the state, I put forth my utmost efforts.'"
Input Method for 儘
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters