骏 Stroke Order
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Information of 骏
10 strokes
spirited horse
骏 jùn1. 良马。 [En.] A fine horse; steed. 例:骏马。骏足。骏骨。 [En.] A fine horse; fine feet; fine bones. 2. 迅速。 [En.] Speedy. 例:骏奔。骏发。 [En.] Rapid running; swift production. 3. 古同“峻”,高大。 [En.] Ancient meaning: same as “峻”, meaning tall and grand. 4. 古同“俊”,才智超群。 [En.] Ancient meaning: same as “俊”, referring to outstanding intelligence. 《骏》 名词: 【本义】: 良马 【造字法】: 形声。 1. 同本义 ([En.] steed; fine horse) 引: 1 《说文》:骏,马之良材也。 [En.] "Shuo Wen": “Jùn, a fine material of horses." 2 《穆天子传》:天子八骏。 [En.] "Mu Tianzi Zhuan": "Eight fine steeds of the Son of Heaven." 3 天子赐许男骏马十六。 [En.] "The Son of Heaven granted sixteen fine horses." 4 《乐府诗集·木兰诗》:东市买骏马。 [En.] "Luo Fu Shi Ji: purchased fine horses in the East Market." 5 《淮南子·人间训》:将胡骏马而归。 [En.] "Huainanzi: returning with fine horses."例: 又如: 骏骨(骏马的骨头。比喻贤才); 骏驭(良马拉的车驾); 骏乘(骏良、骏马、骏骁、骏珍、骏骑、骏驹。都指良马) [En.] Such as: 骏骨 (the bones of fine horses metaphorically referring to talented people); 骏驭 (a chariot drawn by fine horses); 骏乘 (referring to fine horses). 2. 才能出众的人 ([En.] outstanding person) 例: 如: 骏足(比喻贤能才俊); 骏步(比喻贤才的足迹); 骏民(贤人); 骏才(才智杰出的人) [En.] Such as: 骏足 (metaphorically referring to talented people); 骏步 (footsteps of talented people); 骏民 (wise people); 骏才 (people with outstanding intelligence). 形容词: 1. 迅速 ([En.] speedy) 引: 1 《诗·周颂·清庙》:骏奔走在庙。 [En.] "Shi: The fine steed runs swiftly in the temple."例: 又如: 骏发(迅速耕作); 骏逸(本指马行急速。引申为超凡出众、才华纵逸); 骏奔(急走,快跑); 骏骥(良马) [En.] Such as: 骏发 (swift work); 骏逸 (originally refers to a horse moving swiftly, extended to mean extraordinary talent); 骏奔 (running fast); 骏骥 (fine horse). 2. 高大,大 ([En.] great) 引: 1 《尔雅》:骏,大也。 [En.] "Erya: Jùn means great." 2 《诗·大雅·文王》:骏命不易。 [En.] "Shi: The great command is not easy." 3 《诗·大雅·文王有声》:遹骏有声。 [En.] "Shi: The resounding greatness."例: 又如: 骏命(上天或天子重大的命令); 骏庞(笃厚,大厚); 骏业(宏伟的事业); 骏功(大功); 骏烈(盛业) [En.] Such as: 骏命 (a significant command from heaven or the Son of Heaven); 骏庞 (generous); 骏业 (great undertakings); 骏功 (great achievements); 骏烈 (prosperous achievements). 3. 通“俊”。才智杰出 ([En.] outstanding) 引: 1 《管子·七发》:收天下之豪杰、有天下之骏雄。 [En.] "Guanzi: Gather all the heroes and outstanding talents." 2 《韩非子·大体》:雄骏不创寿于旗幢。 [En.] "Han Feizi: The great steed does not create longevity in banners." 3 《史记·屈原贾生列传》:诽骏疑杰兮,固庸态也。 [En.] "Shiji: To doubt the outstanding is the essence of mediocrity."例: 又如: 骏异(优异); 骏概(英武的气概); 骏彩(华美); 骏徒(优秀的学生) [En.] Such as: 骏异 (excellence); 骏概 (heroic spirit); 骏彩 (magnificence); 骏徒 (excellent students). 4. 长 ([En.] long) 引: 1 《诗·小雅·雨无止》:浩浩昊天,不骏其德。 [En.] "Shi: The vast sky is not long in virtue."
fine horse / steed
Input Method for 骏
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters