黦 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 黦
Stroke Order Diagrams for 黦
Information of 黦
20 strokes
黦 [yuè]1. 黄黑色 [En.] yellowish-black2. 东西打湿后出现黄黑色斑纹 [En.] yellowish-black spots appearing after something gets wet.3. 玷污 [En.] smear; stain引例: 后蜀·毛熙震《后庭花》:自从陵谷追游歇,画梁尘黦。 [En.] Since the playful visits to the valleys have ceased, the painted beams gather dust, turning yellowish-black. 例句: 又如: 黦黦 (黑暗) [En.] Another example: 黦黦 (darkness).引例: 1. 晋·周处《风土记》:梅雨沾衣服败黦。 [En.] The plum rain stains the clothes, leaving them smeared. 2. 宋·陆游《月夕》:呼童净扫地,勿使黦月明。 [En.] Call the boy to clean the ground, so that it does not stain the bright moon.例句: 又如: 黦湿 (受潮发霉) [En.] Another example: 黦湿 (become damp and moldy).形容词意义: 1. 黄黑色。《广韵·入声·月韵》:「黦,黄黑色。」 [En.] Yellowish-black. "Guangyun - Rhyme of the moon": "黦, yellowish-black."动词意义: 1. 玷污。《宋·陆游〈月夕〉诗》:「呼僮净扫地,勿使黦月明。」 [En.] Smearing. "Song dynasty - Lu You's poem 'The Moonlit Evening': Call the boy to clean the ground, do not let it stain the bright moon."2. 变色、脸色变坏。 唐·杜牧〈晚晴赋〉:「复引舟于深湾,忽八九之红芰,姹然如妇,敛然如女,堕蕊黦颜,似见放弃。」 [En.] Color change, facial color becoming bad. "Tang Dynasty - Du Mu's 'Late Clear': I drew the boat back in the deep bay, suddenly the red flowers appeared lively like women, gently like girls, the fallen petals make their faces yellowish-black, as if falling out of favor."
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