瞤 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 瞤
Stroke Order Diagrams for 瞤
Information of 瞤
Pinyinrún、 shùn
17 strokes
瞤 [shùn] 动 1. 眼皮跳动 ([En.] twinkle) “夫目~得酒食,灯火华得钱财。” (The eyelids twitch when one sees food and wealth.)2. 掣动;颤动 ([En.] shudder) “其人振振身~剧,必有伏饮。” (When the person’s body trembles intensely, there must be some hidden drinking.)3. 眨眼;转睛 ([En.] blink) “眼~息微。” (The eyelids blink gently.)古同“瞬”,眨眼。 ([En.] An ancient synonym for “瞬,” meaning to blink.)【引】 1. 《说文》:瞤,目动也。从目,闰声。桂馥义证:“今谓眼睑掣动为瞤也。馥案:北俗谓之眼跳。”贾曰:“目瞤得酒食,见《西京杂记》。” ([En.] "Shuowen" states that 瞤 means eye movement. It is composed of the character for eye and a sound component. Geng Fu gives evidence that it refers to the twitching of the eyelids today, which in northern dialect is called 'eye twitch'. Jia says, 'the eyes twitch when seeing food and drink,' as seen in 'Notes from Western Capital.')2. 掣动;颤动 ([En.] shudder). 例: 瞤动(肌肉掣动) (Example: twitching (muscle shudder))3. 眨眼;转睛 ([En.] blink). 【引】 1. 《红楼梦》:只见他盛妆艳服,丰肩懦体,鬟低鬓軃,眼瞤息微。 ([En.] "Dream of the Red Chamber": One could see him dressed beautifully, with broad shoulders and a weak body, hair cascading, and his eyelids twitching gently.)
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters