殽 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 殽
Stroke Order Diagrams for 殽
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 殽
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Information of 殽
12 strokes
variant of 淆[xiao2] / variant of 肴[yao2]
殽 1. 混杂;杂乱。后作“ 淆 ”。 Mixed; disordered. Later written as "淆". 2. 混杂;杂乱。后作“ 淆 ”。《廣雅•釋詁三》:“殽,亂也。”《廣韻•肴韻》:“殽,溷殽;雜也;和也;亂也。” Mixed; disordered. Later written as "淆". "Guangya - Explanation Three": "殽 means disorder." "Guangyun - Yao rhyme": "殽 means to mix; to be mixed; to be in harmony; to be disorderly." 3. 通“ 肴 ”。➊肉。 Also pronounced as "肴". 1. Meat. 4. 山名。后作“ 崤 ”。一称嵚崟山,在今河南省洛宁县北。 Name of a mountain. Later written as "崤". Also known as Qinyan Mountain, located north of Luoning County, Henan Province today. 5. 通“ 肴 ”。➊肉。《禮記•曲禮上》:“凡進食之禮,左殽右胾。” ➋菜肴。《詩•大雅•行葦》:“醓醢以薦,或燔或炙,嘉殽脾臄,或歌或咢。” Also pronounced as "肴". 1. Meat. "Classic of Rites - Qu Li": "In the ceremony of offering food, the meat is on the left, the dishes are on the right." 2. Dishes. "Book of Songs - Great Elegance - Going Through the Reeds": "Offering mixed dishes with roasted or grilled, praising the good dishes, whether singing or playing." 6. 动词 掺杂、掺合。《说文解字.殳部》:「殽,相杂错也。」《国语.周语下》:「如是,而加之以无私,重之以不殽,能避怨矣。」三国吴.韦昭.注:「殽,杂也。众人过郊,单子独否,所以不杂也。」《汉书.卷二四.食货志下》:「铸作钱布皆用铜,殽以连锡,文质周郭放汉五铢钱云。」 Verb: To mix or blend. "Shuowen Jiezi - Section on Weapons": "殽 means to mix and confuse." "Guoyu - Zhou Yuxia": "Thus, if added without selfishness, and emphasized with no mixing, one can avoid resentment." Three Kingdoms Wu, Wei Zhao, commentary: "殽 means mixed. When many people cross the outskirts, the independent items are not mixed." "Book of Han - Volume 24 - Economic Treatise": "All money and cloth cast are made of copper, and mix with tin, text and quality representing the Han five-zhu coins." 7. 名词 菜肴。通「肴」。 Noun: Dishes. Also pronounced as "肴". 8. 【组词】:「果殽」、「残殽」、「嘉殽」。 [Terms]: "果殽" (mixed fruits), "残殽" (leftover dishes), "嘉殽" (excellent dishes). 9. 通“ 效 ”。➊效法。 Also pronounced as "效". 1. To emulate. 10. 通“ 效 ”。➊效法。《禮記•禮運》:“夫禮必本於天,殽於地,列於鬼神。” ➋征验;效果。《太玄•密》:“密於腥臊,三日不覺殽。” Also pronounced as "效". 1. To emulate. "Classic of Rites - Li Yun": "Rites must be based on heaven, and be mixed on earth, aligning with spirits." 2. Verification; effect. "Tai Xuan - Mi": "Dense with foul smells, one cannot perceive the mix within three days."
Input Method for 殽
Four Corner
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters