麕 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 麕
Stroke Order Diagrams for 麕
Information of 麕
19 strokes
麕 1. Same as "麋" (mì), referring to species of deer. - Same as "麋" (mì). From "Shuōwén Jiězì - Lùbù": "麋, 麕, Zhòuwén is not noted." From "Shī - zhàonán - yěyǒu sǐ jūn": "In the wild, there are dead jūn, wrapped in white grass." 2. A mammal that resembles a deer but is smaller, with yellow-brown fur on its back and a white belly, having coarser hair and no antlers. - Examples: - 麇惊 (jūn jīng) - Easily startled like the jūn, metaphorically referred to as being easily frightened. - 麇聚 (jūn jù) - Living in groups like the jiāng (another type of deer). - 麇包 (jūn bāo) - A dead jiāng wrapped in grass. - 麇獐 (jūn zhāng) - Referring to jiāng. - 麇窜 (jūn cuàn) - Panic and flee like a jiāng. - Additional examples: - 麇聚 (jūn jí) - Gathering in groups. - 麇至 (jūn zhì) - Arriving in groups. - 麇居 (jūn jū) - Living in groups. 3. Ancient geographical name.
Same Pronunciation Characters
Same Radical Characters