阬 stroke order

阬 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 阬 Stroke Order Diagrams for 阬 Information of 阬 PinyinkngRadical阝Strokes6 strokesUsage★★Definition 阬 [kng] 1. Same as "坑" (hole; pit; hollow). 1. Same as the original meaning ([En.] hole; pit; hollow). It r...

阬 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 阬

阬 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 阬

阬 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 阬




6 strokes




阬 [kēng] 1. Same as "坑" (hole; pit; hollow). 1. Same as the original meaning ([En.] hole; pit; hollow). It refers to a hole in the ground; it can also refer to low-lying areas. 2. A pond; ditch. 3. To bury alive. 2. A surname. Example: "阬氏葬诸丘舆" (The Huan family buried him outside the city gates of Lu). 阬 [kēng] (noun) - Original Meaning: Low-lying area, earth pit. - Word Formation: An alternate form of "坑" (pit) (phonetic-ideographic). It is composed of the character阜(fù), indicating a relationship with the high and low terrain of the land. 1. Same as the original meaning ([En.] hole; pit; hollow). - Reference: 1. "阬。虚也." (It is void; referring to a hollow pit). 2. "弥纶阬泽." (Spread across valleys and hollows). 3. "在谷满谷,在阬满阬." (In the valley are filled with valleys, in the hollows are filled with hollows). 4. "令作阬,阬毕,垂加害矣." (Order them to dig a pit, once the pit is completed, harm will come). 2. A pit for mining. - Reference: "弛邕州金阬禁." (Lift the prohibition on gold pits in Yongzhou). 3. A surname. 阬 [kēng] (verb) - To bury alive ([En.] bury alive). - Reference: "已拔,皆阬之." (Once captured, all were buried alive). 例: "阬儒" (To bury over 460 Confucian scholars alive in Xianyang by Qin Shi Huang). 1. Door. 2. Related to "抗" (to oppose). 1. Door. - Reference: "阬,门也." (It is a door). 2. Related to "抗". To oppose. - Reference: "阬衡閜砢." 1. A large hill; a large earth mound. 2. Place name. 1. A large hill; a large earth mound. - Reference: "跇巒阬,超唐陂." (Mountains and hills rise above the terrace). 2. A place name. - Reference: "阬,地名." (Huan, a place name).

Same Pronunciation Characters

Same Radical Characters


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  • 阬 stroke order

    阬 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 阬 Stroke Order Diagrams for 阬 Information of 阬 PinyinkngRadical阝Strokes6 strokesUsage★★Definition 阬 [kng] 1. Same as "坑" (hole; pit; hollow). 1. Same as the original meaning ([En.] hole; pit; hollow). It r

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