檍 stroke order

檍 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 檍 Stroke Order Diagrams for 檍 Information of 檍 PinyinyRadical木Strokes17 strokesUsage★★Definition 檍: 1. An ancient tree mentioned in old books, known for its tough wood, which can be used to make bows and cr...

檍 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 檍

檍 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 檍

檍 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 檍




17 strokes




檍: 1. An ancient tree mentioned in old books, known for its tough wood, which can be used to make bows and crossbows."Of the seven ways to obtain wood, the Zhe is the best, and the檍 is the next."2. Noun: A type of tree with hard material that can be used for bows. In "Erya, Shimu": "Zhou,檍." Jin Dynasty, Guo Pu's commentary: "Similar to the Zhi tree, with fine leaves; young leaves can be fed to cattle; the wood can be used for wheel rims; in the western region, it is called Zhouzi, also known as Tuqing." 3. Noun: A type of tree with hard material that can be used for bows. In "Erya, Shimu": "Zhou,檍." Jin Dynasty, Guo Pu's commentary: "Similar to the Zhi tree, with fine leaves; young leaves can be fed to cattle; the wood can be used for wheel rims; in the western region, it is called Zhouzi, also known as Tuqing."

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Same Radical Characters


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  • 檍 stroke order

    檍 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 檍 Stroke Order Diagrams for 檍 Information of 檍 PinyinyRadical木Strokes17 strokesUsage★★Definition 檍: 1. An ancient tree mentioned in old books, known for its tough wood, which can be used to make bows and cr

    2024-11-12 15:15:01
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