衞 stroke order

衞 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 衞 Stroke Order Diagrams for 衞 Information of 衞 PinyinwiRadical行Strokes16 strokesUsage★★Definition 衞1. 防守;衛護。 Defense; protection.2. 衛士;警衛。 Guard; security personnel.3. 謀求。 To seek; to strive...

衞 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 衞

衞 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 衞

衞 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 衞




16 strokes




衞1. 防守;衛護。 Defense; protection.2. 衛士;警衛。 Guard; security personnel.3. 謀求。 To seek; to strive for.4. 邊陲;邊遠的地方。 Border area; remote place.5. 箭杆上的羽毛。 The feathers on an arrow shaft.6. 中醫名詞。“衞氣”的簡稱。 A term in traditional Chinese medicine; abbreviation of “卫气” (wei qi).7. 肢體。 Body limbs.8. 古代九服之一;也指五服之一。 One of the ancient nine服 (fú); also refers to one of the five服 (fú).9. 驢的別名。 An alternative name for a donkey.10. 宋代時俗讚美事物之辭。 A term used in the Song Dynasty to praise things.11. 明代軍隊屯田駐防編制名。一般均冠以所在駐地之名,後相沿成地名。 A military term from the Ming Dynasty for garrisoned troops; usually prefixed with the name of the stationed place, later evolving into place names.12. 清代戶口編制名,以三千戶為一衛。 A household registration name from the Qing Dynasty, with three thousand households forming one 衞 (wèi).13. 周朝國名。 A name of a state during the Zhou Dynasty.14. 水名。 A name of a river or body of water.15. 西藏一部分地域的舊稱。 An old name for part of Tibet.16. 姓。 A surname.17. 通“璏”。劍鼻(劍柄與劍身連接處兩旁突出的部分)。 Also pronounced as "璏". The blade's tang (the part where the blade meets the hilt).

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  • 衞 stroke order

    衞 Stroke Order Animated Stroke Order of 衞 Stroke Order Diagrams for 衞 Information of 衞 PinyinwiRadical行Strokes16 strokesUsage★★Definition 衞1. 防守;衛護。 Defense; protection.2. 衛士;警衛。 Guard; security personnel.3. 謀求。 To seek; to strive

    2024-11-13 19:00:02
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